Cyber incident impacts Roanoke College network
December 15, 2020

For the latest updates on the network restoration, see
Jan. 25 Update:
Most systems have been restored with some work continuing. Those who have not yet reset password since this incident should do so as soon as possible. Details below or on the Roanoke College Status page.
Jan. 14 update:
Services are coming online each day. See for the latest on restoration progress.
Self-Service Password Reset Option
Many users will be able to reset their passwords without IT assistance. Please go to and select the Forgot My Password option then follow the prompts. Once you’ve reset your password, go to to log into email. You will then be prompted to set up two-step verification. After that is complete, you will have access to all of Office 365 (Campus email, OneDrive, Outlook calendar & Microsoft Teams).
If you’re unable to reset your password using the Roanoke College MyAccount system, please contact the HelpDesk at 540-375-2225. Before you call the HelpDesk, please be in front of a computer (laptop or desktop) and navigate your browser to You will need to do this from off campus as College office, lab and classroom computers are not ready for use.
The IT HelpDesk is available Monday - Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm. Please leave a message if your call is not answered, indicate if you are a student, employee or alumni. Your call will be returned.
Jan. 7 update
As of this morning (Jan. 7) the following systems will be available/released:
- Network Drives – Z: Drives, X: Drives and Y Drive
- Colleague – (Core services available at this time.)
- Online Directory
- Web Forms
- StarRez
- Advising Engine
- OnBase
- Inquire
- WebAdvisor
- Printer and Cash Register functionality will work as buildings come on-line
Following are the dates from which IT was able to restore data:
- Colleague and WebAdvisor – Dec. 10, 9 p.m.
- Inquire – Data not impacted
- All other systems mentioned above – Dec. 8, 9 p.m.
Today (Jan. 7), network connectivity will be restored to the following buildings:
- Roselawn
- Administration Building
- College Hall
- Residence Life
- Campus Safety
- Health Services
- Ayres Hall
- Trexler Hall
- Colket Center
Unfortunately, we cannot yet provide a date on which we expect the entire network to be fully operational. However, the goal is to have all of the academic buildings restored before Jan. 22.
Please note:
IT has set up the Trexler 166 computer lab for faculty and staff use. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the maximum capacity is 11 people. We are asking those who visit the lab to limit the number of hours spent working there. In other words, please do not plan to work in the lab all day to ensure the resource is available for as many people as possible.
The campus phones will not be immediately available for use. IT is overhauling the phone system on campus during this time and anticipates that all campus phones will be operating within 3-4 weeks.
IT continues to work with faculty, staff, students and alumni to reset passwords to use with email and the College network. If you have not yet reset your password, you need to call the IT helpdesk at 540-375-2225 when you are in front of your computer to make the necessary changes. For privacy and security reasons, passwords cannot be reset without calling the helpdesk.
Jan. 4 update
Freshens is open Monday- Friday from 8:00am until 2:30 pm.
Dec. 30 update
To: Roanoke College Faculty and Staff (sent via email as well)
Re: Campus Outages and Return to Work Next Week
This memo provides an update on the status of the Roanoke College network outages and guidance for the upcoming work week when the College re-opens after the holiday on Jan. 4.
As you know, Roanoke College began experiencing technical difficulties that affected the operability of certain computer systems earlier this month. Teams are working diligently to restore full functionality to our systems. Some critical functions continue to be offline during this period and we are using alternative methods, where available, to serve the community.
Below is a list of systems and services that have been restored, as well as those that are still being worked on. Because the campus network will not be restored when the College reopens next week (Jan. 4.), each Vice President will communicate to their designated areas and groups and provide recommendations on the optimal way to return to work. There will be some teams that function better working off-site and that will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Please know that our investigation also includes determining whether sensitive data may have been impacted. If it is determined that this information is impacted, we will move quickly to notify the relevant parties.
Campus IT Systems & Services Restoration Update as of Dec. 30, 2020.
Systems & Services Restored
- Microsoft Office 365 Environment (Campus email, OneDrive, Outlook calendar & Microsoft Teams) for off campus access only
- Network connectivity to Data Center, Campus Safety & IT Offices
- Classroom and lab computers (no network connectivity, no projection capabilities)
Systems & Services Currently in Restoration
- Personal Z: drives, departmental X: drives and the Y: drive
- Colleague
- Authentication services (enabling access to Slate, Inquire, Maxient, etc.)
- Office computers
- Network connectivity to other campus buildings
- Phone system
- Informer
- Self Service
- StarRez
- Synoptix
- OnBase
- System Backups
- Online Directory
- Advising Engine
- Web Forms
- New Student Forms
- Maroon Card System
- Door Access System
- IT Ticket System
The IT HelpDesk (Ph.: 540-375-2225) is available as follows. Please leave a message if your call is not answered. Please do not leave multiple messages with the same request.
- Wednesday, December 30, 2020 – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Thursday, December 31, 2020 – Closed
- Friday, January 1, 2020 – Closed
- Saturday, January 2, 2020 – Closed
- Sunday, January 3, 2020 – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Beginning Monday, Jan. 4, 2020, the HelpDesk will resume normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please email or call the IT HelpDesk (Ph.: 540-375-2225). Only visit the HelpDesk in person if instructed to do so by an IT staff member.
In the meantime, we understand you may receive questions about the incident from students or constituents. It is important that we provide our community with accurate information regarding this incident and our response. If you receive such inquiries, we ask that you please refer the inquiry to and we will work to get your questions answered when the College reopens on Jan. 4.
Dec. 29 update
The Helpdesk is now able to assist alumni who need to reset their password. Alumni should call the Helpdesk at 540-375-2225. Please be aware that call volume is extremely high. If your call is not answered, please leave a message so your call can be returned as soon as possible. For privacy and security reasons, passwords cannot be reset based on an email from another account. It must be handled by phone. Thank you for your patience as we work to assist all Roanoke College students, faculty, staff, retirees and alumni.
Dec. 23 update
In order to restore and to ensure the continued security of the College’s Microsoft Office 365 Environment (Campus email, OneDrive, Outlook calendar & Microsoft Teams), we have had to cancel all user passwords. You will not be able to login and access these services until you call the HelpDesk at 540-375-2225. After verifying your identity, IT will assist you with creating a new password and setting up two-step verification.
Self-Service Password Reset Option
Many users will be able to reset their passwords without IT assistance. Please go to and select the Forgot My Password option then follow the prompts. Once you’ve reset your password, go to to log into email. You will then be prompted to set up two-step verification. After that is complete, you will have access to all of Office 365 (Campus email, OneDrive, Outlook calendar & Microsoft Teams). If you’re unable to reset your password using the Roanoke College MyAccount system, please contact the HelpDesk.
Before you call the HelpDesk, please be in front of a computer (laptop or desktop) and navigate your browser to You will need to do this from off campus as College office, lab and classroom computers are not ready for use.
The IT HelpDesk is available as follows. Please leave a message if your call is not answered.
- Wednesday, December 23, 2020 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Thursday, December 24, 2020 – Closed
- Friday, December 25, 2020 – Closed
- Saturday, December 26, 2020 – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Sunday, December 27, 2020 – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Monday, December 28, 2020 – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Tuesday, December 29, 2020 – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Wednesday, December 30, 2020 – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Thursday, December 31, 2020 – Closed
- Friday, January 1, 2020 – Closed
- Saturday, January 2, 2020 – Closed
- Sunday, January 3, 2020 – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Beginning Monday, Jan. 4, 2020, the HelpDesk will resume normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Campus IT Systems & Services Restoration Update as of Dec. 23, 2020.
Systems & Services Restored
- Microsoft Office 365 Environment (Campus email, OneDrive, Outlook calendar & Microsoft Teams) for off campus access only
- Network connectivity to Data Center, Campus Safety & IT Offices
- Classroom and lab computers (no network connectivity)
Systems & Services Currently in Restoration
- Personal Z: drives and departmental X: drives
- Colleague
- Authentication services (enabling access to Slate, Inquire, Maxient, etc.)
- Office computers
- Network connectivity to other campus buildings
- Phone system
Dec. 21 update
We want to assure the Roanoke College community that the IT Department is working diligently to get the network and system back to full functionality as quickly as possible. IT is working to restore the contents of personal Z: drives and departmental X: drives. However, we do not yet have a restore-from date identified nor a target date for the restoration work to occur. As of now, it appears that users will not lose the contents of these drives as a result of the Cyber incident.
Contact Information
The College is closed for the holiday through Jan. 4. However, Roanoke College staff will periodically monitor select phone lines over the holiday break and respond to questions regarding the following topics:
- Ph: 540-375-2270, Admissions
- Ph: 540-375-2235, Financial Aid
- Ph: 540-375-2068, International Education
- Ph: 540-375-2308, Residence Life, Housing and Move-In
- Ph: 540-375-2211, Registrar’s Office
- Ph: 540-375-2255, Student Accounts, Business Affairs
Dec. 17 update
Clarity on using Roanoke College email, network and network tools
Students, faculty and staff should not access their emails and other Office365 applications, even if you are simply looking up old files and links. Office365, which includes programs such as our campus email accounts, OneDrive, Outlook calendar and Microsoft Teams, has not yet been identified as a safe environment by IT and the expert partners working with our IT team to ensure our systems are safe.
IT also continues to ask those on campus not to use their computers or the campus network. This includes remote logins for those working remotely. It is still unclear how long the network will be unavailable to our community. The College website is currently operational but some areas are not working due to the need for users to log in to access certain functions.
Individuals should not open their Outlook calendars to connect to Zoom. However, Zoom meetings can be accessed via, using your Zoom sign-in. This will allow you to host meetings you’ve already scheduled and to schedule future meetings.
MaroonCare is still up and running
MaroonCare, a new 24-hour telehealth option for students, is still operational. Students can create an account and get access to medical, mental health, counseling, psychiatry and health coaching services. Learn more about what MaroonCare offers here.
Holiday and end of the year giving
If you would like to include Roanoke in your holiday giving, there's still time! Just a reminder, gifts received by December 31 will count toward your 2020 charitable giving. Visit
Dec. 16 update
Roanoke College can provide the following updates regarding the outage of our campus network. Students, faculty and staff should not log in to their computers or attempt remote logins.
Payroll will be processed on its normal schedule with the 26th biweekly payroll paid on Friday, 12/18 and the 27th payroll on 12/31. Monthly payroll will be paid early on Friday 12/18.
Student Accounts: Roanoke College Attn: Business Office 221 College Lane Salem VA 24153 |
Move-in Dates for Spring 2021:
Residence Life office has emailed students the link to choose their move-in date. Once the network is restored, Res Life will resend these links to everyone. Students can select from several options for move in dates for the week of Feb. 1-7 (now updated to reflect delayed semester start.)
Additional phone numbers are operational. These numbers are the best way to reach the following offices:
540-375-2270 Admissions
540-375-2500 Admissions and General Campus Questions
540-375-2235 Financial Aid
540-375-2310 Campus Safety (for emergency use or Campus Safety business only)
We will continue to post updates to this page as we have information to share with our community.
Dec. 15 update
On Saturday, Dec. 12, Roanoke College experienced a cyber event which impacts our ability to access files. The College’s IT staff disconnected the College’s network and began an investigation into this incident. The Salem Police Department was notified of the incident and the Virginia State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigations is now involved.
At this time, Roanoke College employees and students should not log in to their campus computers until further information can be provided. This includes remote logins for those working remotely. It is currently unclear how long the Roanoke College network may be unavailable to our community. The College website is currently operational but some areas are not working due to the need for users to log in to access certain functions.
IT staff is focused on responding to this incident so please do not call or email them to ask for assistance with specific IT issues in order for them to focus their efforts on returning the network to operation.
We are not aware of the extent of this incident at this time, and will provide ongoing updates as they are available. The following phone number may be used for additional questions, 540-375-2500.

For a running list of systems that have been restored, see the status page at
The office of admissions is unable to communicate with student prospects by normal channels. Virtual and in-person visits will happen as scheduled.
Since we are unable to access all of our systems, we are unable to process admissions decisions. Those who were expecting decisions before break will receive their decision in January.
Prospects and students interested in admissions and financial aid can call us at 540-375-2500 before the end of the workday on Dec. 18.