Nguyen named Outstanding Student at Washington Semester program
December 15, 2021

Another Lutheran College Washington Semester is in the books, and a Roanoke College student earned the program’s Dr. Christopher Joyner Memorial Award for Outstanding Student.
Kinsey Nguyen ’23 interned this semester at Girls on the Run, an after-school program for third- through eighth-grade girls that uses running and other physical activities to promote and support healthy outcomes for girls of all abilities. Nguyen — who is majoring in criminal justice, with a concentration in legal studies, and double minoring in American politics and history — wowed people with her work ethic. There were 36 students involved in LCWS this semester.
LCWS professors and students submitted names of students they thought should be awarded. Dr. Edward Hasecke, dean and executive director of the Lutheran College Washington Semester, said many of the people who submitted Nguyen’s name praised her hard work and dedication.
“The effort she puts in is driven by her passion for learning,” Hasecke said. “She inspires those around her.”
For example, Hasecke said that one student wrote, “I have found myself looking up to her academic work ethic and plan on taking a few tools from her when I return to Roanoke.”
Nguyen is a member of Black Student Alliance, Hispanic Organization for Leadership and Achievement, Tangles and Shades of Maroon. She also is in Alpha Lambda Delta honor society, Omicron Delta Kappa, Alpha Alpha Alpha first-generation student honor society, Alpha Phi Sigma and the National Society for Leadership and Success.
A record 15 Roanoke students participated in the program this semester, participating in internships and jobs with organizations ranging from the U.S. Marshals Service to the Smithsonian to the DC Center for the LGBTQ Community to the National Hispanic Medical Association. Students had many memorable experiences in the nation’s capital this fall, including a chance encounter with Vice President Kamala Harris.