Anna Ford '19 chosen to present research at Washington, D.C. conference
April 24, 2019

Senior Anna Ford will be participating in the 23rd annual Posters on the Hill event in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Council on Undergraduate Research. Ford is one of 60 participants chosen out of more than 350 applicants.
Ford’s presentation, South Koreans Perceptions of North Koreans Living in South Korean Society and Their Comparison to Modern Film, draws on research conducted during last year’s ASIANetwork Fellowship trip to South Korea. The presentation aims to explore how South Koreans view North Koreans living in South Korea through portrayals in film.
This isn’t the first time research from the group’s trip has been presented. As part of the fellowship award, members of the Roanoke College ASIANetwork team traveled to San Diego to present at the annual conference earlier this month.
“I feel honored to be chosen to present my and my team’s work in the Capitol and meet with representatives from Congress,” says Ford. “From research in South Korea, to presenting about it in San Diego and D.C., I am thankful for the opportunities Roanoke has opened, and for the faculty and staff who have helped me develop and prepare for these journeys.”
Ford and history professor Dr. Stella Xu, who accompanied the group to South Korea last year, will attend Posters on the Hill on April 29 and 30.
From research in South Korea, to presenting about it in San Diego and D.C., I am thankful for the opportunities Roanoke has opened, and for the faculty and staff who have helped me develop and prepare for these journeys.