Organizations Wishing to Wear Stoles/Honor Cords at Commencement
Honor Cords and Graduation Stoles
Roanoke College holds all of its graduates in high esteem. In addition to the traditional cap and gown regalia, specific students who have excelled academically are entitled to wear honor cords, and graduation stoles (sashes) may also be worn to signify achievement through or membership in college organizations. Graduation stoles and honor cords must be in keeping with the decorum of the event and the following guidelines:
- Honor Cords - An Honor Cord is a token consisting of twisted cords with tassels on either end. Their wearing signifies specific academic achievement or membership in a recognized academic honor group or society. By tradition, more than one cord may be worn at the same time. Honor cords will be provided by the college for students graduating with Latin honors (Cum laude, Magna cum laude, and Summa cum laude).
- Graduation Stole - A graduation stole is a decorative vestment worn by students who are members of college organizations for the purpose of recognizing membership or achievement. A stole takes the form of a cloth scarf-like garment worn over the shoulders adorned with the awarding Society's colors and/or insignia.
Approval Process:
- If your organization has been approved in the past for either cords or stoles and you are making NO CHANGES to the design or color, this approval is still valid and you do NOT need to request approval again.
- If your organization has not been approved in the past, you are not sure of prior approval, or you are making ANY changes to design or color, please fill out the form below. The deadline for such requests is April 1st. You will receive notification whether your request was approved or declined within 7 days.
Approval Request Form
Please check with faculty advisor or club president if you have questions regarding cords and stoles.
Approved cords: Alpha Alpha Alpha; Alpha Chi; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Alpha Kappa Delta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Alpha Phi Sigma; Alpha Psi Omega; Beta Beta Beta; Delta Mu Delta; Kappa Delta Pi; Lambda Pi Eta; National Society of Leadership and Success; Omicron Delta Epsilon; Omicron Delta Kappa; Order of Omega; Phi Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Sigma Tau; Pi Delta Phi; Pi Mu Epsilon; Pi Sigma Alpha; Psi Chi; Sigma Delta Pi; Sigma Iota Rho; Sigma Pi Sigma; Sigma Tau Delta; Theta Alpha Kappa; Xi Theta Chi.
Approved stoles: Academic Integrity Council; Alpha Kappa Chi; Alpha Kappa Delta; Alpha Kappa Psi; Alpha Phi Omega; Alpha Sigma Alpha; American Marketing Association; Athletic Department; Beekeeping Society; Brackety-Ack; Campus Recreation; Campus Safety; Center for Civic Engagement; Chess Team; Chi Omega; Choirs; Club Sports; Colleges Against Cancer; Delta Chi Fraternity; Delta Gamma; Economics Club; Equestrian Club; Gamma Sigma Sigma; Garden Club; Health Education Awareness Team; Hillel; Information Technology; Interfraternity Council of Roanoke College; International Group; Kappa Alpha Order; LGBTQ+ Services; Lambda Alliance; Looking for an Echo; Mail Services; Mainstreet All Female A Capella; Maroon Ambassadors; Mathematics and Computer Science Club; Mock Trial; Model United Nations/Model Arab League Club; Office of Multicultural Affairs; Order of Omega; Outdoor Adventure; Panhellenic Council; Phi Mu; Pi Kappa Alpha; Pi Kappa Phi; Pi Lambda Phi; Pride; Public Affairs Society; Quiz Bowl; Religion & Philosophy Student Assistants; Residence Life & Housing Office Assistants; Resident Advisors; RoaNotes A Capella; RC Success Academic Peer Mentor; Rotaract; Sigma Alpha Omega; Sigma Chi; Society for Human Resource Management; Student Activities; Student Government Association; Student Veterans Association; Study Abroad; Subject Tutors; Teacher Licensure - Education Department; Washington Semester Program; Women in Economics; Writing Center; WRKE; Young Life.