Study Away Programs
Types of Programs
Roanoke College approved programs fall into three categories: Type A, Type B, and Type C.
Financial Aid can apply, credits transfer back to Roanoke College, and students pay Roanoke College tuition and fees.
Type A programs include housing and meals benefits, Type B programs include housing but do not include meals, Type C programs include neither housing nor meals, which are billed by the program provider. Students who participate in a Type A program receive preference for travel scholarships and may be eligible for passport/visa financial support.
Roanoke College students are able to participate in up to three study away semesters, but only one semester of the three may be a Type C and either the second or third semester must be a Type A. Our partner ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) is our primary Type A provider; this link has more basic information about their Exchange programs.
North America
Kamploops | Thompson Rivers University Type A
Regina | University of Regina Type A
Guadalajara | Instituto Technologico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente Type A
Guanajuato | Universidad de Guanajuato Type A
San Pedro Garza Garcia | Universidad de Monterrey Type A
Mexico City | Universidad La Salle Type A
Monterrey | Universidad Regiomontana Type A
Puebla | UPAEP University Type A
Lincoln, Oregon | Oregon Extension Type A Early admission grants a bonus stipend
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico | University of Puerto Rico Type A
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico | University of Puerto Rico (Rico Piedras) Type A
Washington, D.C. | Lutheran College Washington Semester Type B
Central America
Costa Rica
Heredia | USAC Heredia Type C
South America
Cordoba | Universidad Blas Pascal Type A
Cordoba |Universidad Catolica de Cordoba Type A
Buenos Aires | Universidad de Palermo Type A
Buenos Aires | Universidad del Salvador Type A
La Paz | Universidad Privada Boliviana Type A
Sao Paulo | Fundação Armando Alvarez Penteado Type A
Valparaiso | Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso Type A
Santiago | USAC Santiago Type C
Cali | Universidad Icesi Type A
Montevideo | USAC Montevideo Type C
Linz, Austria | Johannes Kelper Universitat Linz Type A
Graz, Austria | Karl-Franzens-Universitat Type A
Graz, Austria | Technische Universitat Graz Type A
Salzburg, Austria | Universitat Salzburg Type A
Blagoevgrad | ISEP-American University In Bulgaria Type A
Nicosia | University of Nicosia Type B
Czech Republic
Brno | ISEP-Masaryk University Type A
Prague | USAC Prague Type C
Aarhus| Aarhus University Type A
Tartu| ISEP-University of Tartu Type A
Abo| ISEP-Abo Akademi University Type A
Joensuu | ISEP-University of Eastern Finland Type A
Jyvaskyla| ISEP-University of Jyvaskyla Type A
Oulu | ISEP-University of Oulu Type A
Tampere| ISEP-Tampere University Type A
Turku | ISEP-University of Turku Type A
Aix-en-Provence | ISEP-Aix-Marseille University Type A
Amiens | ISEP-Universite de Picardie Jules Verne Type A
Angers | ISEP-Universite d'Angers Type A
Annecy | ISEP-Universite Savoie Mont Blanc Type A
Besançon | ISEP-Universite de Franche-Comte Type A
Caen | ISEP-Universite de Caen Type A
Le Havre | ISEP-Universite Le Harve Normandie Type A
Lille | ISEP-Universite de Lille Type A
Lyon | USAC Lyon Type C
Nantes | ISEP-Nantes Universite Type A
Pau | USAC Pau Type C
Rennes | ISEP-Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Rennes Type A
Bamberg, Germany | Otto-Friedrich Universitat Type A
Bielefeld, Germany | ISEP-Universitat Bielefeld Type A
Braunschweig, Germany | ISEP-Technische Universitat Carolo-Wilhelmina Zu Braunschweig Type A
Dortmund, Germany | ISEP--Technische Universitat Dortmund Type A
Eichstatt, Germany | ISEP-Katholische Universiata Eichstatt Type A
Hannover, Germany | ISEP-Gottfried Wilhelmm Leibinz Universitat Hannover Type A
Ludwigsburg, Germany | Ludwigsburg Universty Type A
Luneburg, Germany | USAC Luneburg Type C
Marburg, Germany | ISEP-Philipps-Universitat Marburg Type A
Trier, Germany | ISEP-Universitat Trier Type A
Debrecen, Hungary | ISEP-University of Debrecen Type A
Cork, Ireland | USAC Cork Type C
Florence, Italy | ISI Florence Type B
Milano, Italy | ISEP-Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Type A
Pavia, Italy | ISEP-Universita degli Studi de Pavia Type A
Perugia, Italy | Umbra Institute Type B
Reggio Emilia, Italy | USAC Reggio Emilia Type C
Torino, Italy | USAC Torino Type C
Urbino, Italy | ISEP-Universita degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo Type A
Verona, Italy | USAC Verona Type C
Viterbo, Italy | USAC Viterbo Type C
Riga, Latvia | ISEP University of Latvia Type A
Vilnius, Lithuania | ISEP Vilnius University Type A
Msida, Malta | ISEP University of Malta Type A
Amsterdam, Netherlands | ISEP Tio Business School Type A
Leiden, Netherlands | ISEP Leiden University Type A
Tilburg, Netherlands | ISEP Tilburg University Type A
Wroclaw, Poland | ISEP University of Wroclaw
Lisbon, Portugal | USAC Lisbon Type B
Alicante, Spain | USAC Alicante Type C
Almeria, Spain | ISEP Universidad de Almeria Type A
Bilbao, Spain | USAC Bilbao Type C
Madrid, Spain | USAC Madrid Type C
Malaga, Spain | ISEP Universidad de Malaga Type A
Murcia, Spain | ISEP Universidad de Marcia Type A
Ourense, Spain | ISEP Universidad de Vigo Type A
Pamplona, Spain | Universidad Publica de Navarra Type A
Pontevedra, Spain | ISEP Universidad de Vigo Type A
San Sebastian, Spain | USAC San Sebastian Type C
Sevilla, Spain | ISEP Universidad de Sevilla Type A
Tarragona, Spain | ISEP Universitat Rovira|Virgili Type A
Valencia, Spain | USAC Valencia Type C
Vigo, Spain | ISEP Universidad de Vigo Type A
Villanueva de la Canada, Spain | ISEP Universidad Afonso X el Sabio Type A
Kalmar, Sweden | ISEP-Linnaeus University Type A
Lulea, Sweden | ISEP-Lulea University of Technology Type A
Trollhattan, Sweden | ISEP-University West Type A
Vasteras, Sweden | ISEP-Malardalen University Type A
Vaxjo, Sweden | USAC Vaxjo Type C
Bern, Switzerland | ISEP-Universitat Bern Type A
Fribourg, Switzerland | ISEP-Universite de Fribourg Type A
Lausanne, Switzerland | ISEP-Universite de Lausanne Type A
Lugano, Switzerland | Linking Lives (specialty program similar to Type A, not handled by Global Engagement)
İstanbul | ISEP-Instanbul Okan University Type A
İzmir| ISEP-Yasar University Type A
United Arab Emirates
Sharjah | ISEP-American University of Sharjah Type A
United Kingdom
Ayr | University of West Scotland | Type B
Bradford | ISEP University of Bradford Type A
Brighton | ISEP University of Sussex Type A
Chester | ISEP University of Chester Type A
Colchester | ISEP University of Essex Type A
Edinburgh| ISEP Edinburgh Napier University Type A
London | ISEP University of Roehampton Type A
London | Regent's University Type C
Nottingham | ISEP Nottingham Trent University Type A
Norwich | University of East Anglia Type A
Paisley | University of West Scotland Type B
Preston | ISEP-University of Central Lancashire Type A
Plymouth | ISEP-University of Plymouth Type A
Sunderland | ISEP-University of Southerland Type A
York | ISEP-University of York Type A
Ballarat, Australia |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Program, ISEP-Australian Catholic University
Rockhampton, Australia |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Program, ISEP-Central Queensland University
Sydney, Australia |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Program, ISEP-University of Technology Sydney
Hawkesbury, Australia |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Program, ISEP-Western Sydney University
Cairns, Australia |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Affiliate Program, James Cook University
Brisbane, Australia |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Affiliate Program, USAC Gold Coast
Melbourne, Australia |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Affiliate Program, USAC Melbourne
Suva, Fiji |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Program, ISEP-University of the South Pacific
Jakarta, Indonesia |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Program, ISEP-BINUS University
St. Denis, La Réunion |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Program, ISEP-Universite de la Reunion
Manawatu, New Zeland |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Program, ISEP-Massey University
Hamilton, New Zeland |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Program, ISEP-University of Waikato
Auckland, New Zeland |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Affiliate Program, USAC Auckland
Wellington, New Zeland |Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Affiliate Program, USAC Wellington
Hong Kong | ISEP-Chinese University of Hong Kong Type A
Nagoya | ISEP-Chukyo University Type A
Ikebukuro | ISEP-Tokyo International University Type A
Tokyo | ISEP-Tokyo University Type A
Osaka | Kansai Gaidai University Type A
Hiroshima | USAC Hiroshima Type C
Nagasaki | USAC Nagasaki Type C
Nishinomiya | USAC Nishinomiya Type C
Tokyo | Waseda University SILS Type A
South Korea
Daegu | ISEP Keimyung University Type A
Suwon | ISEP Ajou University Type A
Seoul | EWHA Womens University Type A
Seoul | ISEP Hanyang University Type A
Seoul | USAC Korean University Type C
Seoul | USAC Kookmin Type C
Yonsei | USAC Yonsei Type C
Taichung | ISEP-Providence University Type A
Bangkok | ISEP-Thammasat University Type A
Chiang Mai | USAC-Chiang Mai Type C
Ho Chi Minh City | ISEP-International University Type A
Cario, Egypt | Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Exchange Program, American University of Cairo
Ifrane, Morocco | Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Program, ISEP-Al Akhawayn University
Johannesburg, South Africa | Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Pay RC Housing, Pay RC Meal Plan, Exchange Progam, ISEP-University of Johannesburg
Stellenbosch, South Africa | Pay RC Tuition & Fee, Affiliate Program, USAC-Stellenbosch