Requests for multimedia services are prioritized by the Office of Marketing and Communications to align with the college’s strategic vision and goals, while taking into consideration staffing resources. Photos and videos promoting Roanoke College students, faculty, staff and activities of interest to prospective students and families will take precedence. Multimedia services are provided to the college community by the Office of Marketing and Communications free of charge in many cases.
The following types of multimedia projects fall outside our scope of services and may not be approved when staff is occupied with requests that fulfill other key objectives:
If your request fits with the college’s marketing objectives, a staff or student photographer or videographer will be provided free of charge. If your request does not fit current marketing objectives, in some cases we may be able to provide a student photographer or videographer if one is available.
If the office is unable to cover the event, here are some other options:
Fill out the photography request form at least two weeks in advance of your event (four weeks preferred). The Office of Marketing and Communications reviews each request, and requests for these services will be prioritized to ensure the best use of limited photography resources.