International Office
Introducing visitors from the world to Roanoke College and Maroons to the world!
The college will resume normal operating hours Feb. 13
Introducing visitors from the world to Roanoke College and Maroons to the world!
The people of the Roanoke International Office (RIO) are ethical, student-centered educators intent on developing innovative intercultural experiences for the campus community.
RIO provides a wide variety of programs and support services to students from around the world who are studying on our campus. RIO is committed to helping students develop their purpose by offering meaningful experiences that foster cultural self-awareness and enrich intellectual and personal growth.
RIO strives to encourage intercultural awareness, facilitate cross-cultural understanding and cultivate a more globally conscious community of students, faculty and staff.
Roanoke students are the key to the global presence of Roanoke College. For domestic students interested in exploring their options for studying away from our beautiful Salem, Virginia campus, visit Global Engagement in room 221 of Lucas Hall. Outside the office are numerous posters, flyers, and brochures with information about Study Away programs.