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Continuing Education FAQ

How do I register and pay for one or more continuing education classes?

On the list of courses page, click on the large button at the top of the page!  Then note the following instructions:

    1. If you are currently affiliated with the College and use Self Service, please sign in first (look at the upper-right of the page and if you see "Sign in" as an option, click there and use your Roanoke College credentials).  Otherwise, continue to the next step.
    2. Use the "Catalog Advanced Search" page to filter your search by day, class code, or start/end date (recomended but not required).  Either way, hit the "Search" button.
    3. A list of classes will appear; find the class or classes you would like to enroll in and press the "Select" button for that class.  A pop-up window with the class description and other information will appear — simply select "Add Section" which adds the section to your cart.
    4. Continue adding as many classes as you would like.  Note the date(s) for each section; most classes have a single meeting date (in some cases, a longer class might be split into two shorter classes for two nights that week).  Afterwards, click the "Next" button.
    5. Enter your name and other information on this page so we know who you are (for Roanoke College community members that logged in already, you won't see this screen).  After completing the form, press Submit at the bottom.
      1. Our systems may recongize that your information matches a record on file with the College for a variety of reasons, including previous employees, vendors or consultants, and alumni.  If you see a warning message and know what a prior connection might have been, please call the Help Desk at (540) 375-2225 during business hours, mention that you're trying to use Instant Enrollment in Self Service to register for a continuing education course, give them your name and birthday, and request access to Self Service.  Otherwise, you can ignore the warning and our team will take a look the next business day and reach out if we have any questions.
    6. On the next page, optionally tell us your goal(s) and reason(s) for picking these classes.  Your information and feedback are helpful to us and we appreciate you in advance!  Then press Submit.
    7. Use the next few pages to pay for your classes!

Do I need to apply to the College or have been previously connected to the College?

No!  Our continuing education classes are available to anyone; note that some classes may be restricted in some way and clearly indicated in the class title or description.  While current Roanoke College students are more than welcome to take continuing education classes, please note that these classes do not carry any academic credit toward your degree program.

If you are new to the College and to Self Service, please look for a pair of emails shortly after your payment is processed; your receipt will include your new username for using Self Service in the future and a separate email will arrive soon with your initial temporary password.

If you have any issues, including having been associated with Roanoke College in the past but no longer have Self Service access, please call the Help Desk at 540-375-2225 during business hours.

How many classes can I take at the same time?

There is no limit to the number of classes you can take at the same time!  Please keep in mind that you usually can't be in two places at the same time, so pick classes that don't overlap in terms of the day(s) and time.  Individual certificate programs might recommend a specific path to completion; you are welcome to repeat a class but note that you can only receive CEUs for each class once in a given year (July through June).

Will I receive a certificate of completion for each class I take?

For most classes, a certificate will be given to those that complete the course.  If that's not the case and you need documentation of your attendance and hours, contact the Registrar's Office at and ask about getting a continuing education transcript.

Will the College keep track of which classes I have taken?  Can I get an official record?

Yes!  In the event you're planning for a stackable credential or small certificate program, once declared, you'll be able to track progress toward completion.  As needed, contact the Regisrar's Office at and ask about getting a continuing education transcript.

Are there refunds?  What if I register and pay for a class but aren't able to attend or change my mind?

For our continuing education classes, there are no refunds; please double check the day(s) and time(s) listed for the classes you picked.  If something comes up last minute, we do understand and will offer to move your registration(s) to the same class or classes at a future date.