Student Activity Fellows
Are you interested in gaining experience and leadership skills working as part of a team in the Media Arts or Event Production and Operations? Student Activities Fellows will work with the Colket Center staff, student managers and leadership boards to improve student skills in creating, developing and producing entertainment, media and educational programs to enrich student life on campus.
Media Arts Fellows
• WRKE Radio
- Train to be an on-air radio personality and create and program your own music, news, sports or other talk show. Diversity in programming is encouraged.
- Train to be part of our director's team (Program, Assistant Program, Music, News and Marketing Directors) and learn valuable skills in broadcast radio.
- Work with our station advisory board of seasoned professionals.
• The Brackety-Ack
- If you have an interest in publishing, you will have an opportunity to train for a position on the weekly school newspaper, The Brackety-Ack, with an emphasis on staff writing, photography, editing, proofreading, web editing, layout, distribution and sales.
• Stage Tech
- Stage Tech is responsible for setting up the audio, video and lighting needs at campus events like concerts, movies, speakers, and performances.
- Stage Tech staff trains in sound mixing, amplification, speaker technology, rigging lights and running light boards. They are also responsible for setting up stages and projectors at events, as well as loading performers in and out.
- Stage Tech works and trains with local sound and lighting professionals at larger campus events.
• Media and Marketing
- A fellowship in Media and Marketing would focus on a number of valuable skills needed in the Colket Center including photography, videography, graphic design, social media (Roanoke Campus Life Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter accounts), video editing and more.
- Media and Marketing is looking to work with students who have an affinity for the above skills and put them to use in developing their skills and expanding our marketing reach for campus events, programs and social media sites.
Event Production and Operations Fellows
- Campus Activities Board (CAB)
-CAB is responsible for the creation, planning and implementation of campus events throughout the year, intended to engage students in activities and events that peak their interest.
-While with CAB, Fellows will gain valuable real world and leadership experience in event planning and supervision, human resources, promoting and marketing events. CAB members are responsible for creating and managing a large student activities budget, scheduling a yearly calendar of events and numerous day-of-event schedules, hiring and training their own staff, and dealing with contracts and vendors - Event Staff
-Event Staff provides valuable support services for CAB and other campus activities and events, like tracking attendance, security, and set-up and tear down. Event Staff are our energized, utility players behind the scenes that make events run smoothly - • Information Desk
- Information Desk staff are responsible for supporting the mission of the Colket Center, our student and event center on campus, and to be valuable point people for information on the Colket Center, upcoming events, ticket sales, and campus-wide facilities.
- Train to greet guests/clients visiting the Colket Center and maintain a positive working relationship with student organizations, administrative departments, and faculty to assist with their requests or needs for reserving RC facilities on Event Management System.
- Answer phones and perform duties of receptionist in the absence of the Colket Center Coordinator.
• Building Operations
- Building Operations staff, along with Senior Building Managers, are responsible for supporting the mission of the Colket Center, our student and event center on campus...days, nights, weekends and weekend nights.
- Operations assistants must know the facility completely and place a strong emphasis on customer service and attention to detail.
- Operations staff will be trained in setting up tables, chairs, podiums and stages, as well as assisting catering for meeting, conferences and events. They will also set-up, operate, maintain and keep an inventory of computer, microphone, projection and speaker equipment.
Candidates for Student Activity Fellows should have qualities that include:
• A passion for Media Arts and Event Production.
• Creative and/or technical skills to contribute to one of the fellowship areas.
• Honesty, dependability, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
• Good communication and organizational skills.
• Potential to supervise, delegate, recruit, and train new staff.
Application Details
Applying to the program begins with an online application, including a letter detailing why you are interested in working as a Student Activity Fellow, what areas of Media Arts and Event Production and Operations interests you the most, and any relevant experience, skills or qualifications you have.
If you are chosen as a finalist, you will interview with college staff and mentors during a campus visit and receive a $500 scholarship per year. If you are chosen as a Fellow in a paid position on one of our staffs (DJs are not paid positions) you will also receive an on-campus work opportunity to earn an hourly wage or stipend that could be worth up to $1,000 a semester.