Roanoke College will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 11.
Institutional Research
Check the brief frequently requested statistics page,or use the links at the left to access a variety of detailed statistical charts and graphs about the College and its operations in PDF format.
Data presented here is focused on data required by federal regulations or by our accrediting agency, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).
For other data inquiries, please contact the Institutional Research office at
Faculty: Use the Student Evaluations link at the left to select formative items and view reports for your courses.
Useful external links: SCHEV (State Council for Higher Education in Virginia) and NCES (the National Center for Educational Statistics).
Roanoke College is a member of the Higher Education Data Sharing (HEDS) Consortium, which consists of more than 130 small, private, nonprofit institutions around the country that are committed to sharing and using information to more fully enact their missions and promote effective liberal arts education.