Maroon Alerts Frequently Asked Questions
Who can get Maroon Alerts?
The Maroon Alerts system is designed for students, faculty and staff who may be affected directly by an emergency situation on or nearby the campus. Students are now auto-enrolled to allow the college to contact as many students as possible in emergencies.
Will my cell phone number be kept confidential?
Yes. Cell phone numbers obtained by Maroon Alerts are not shared or sold to any other systems or services.
How many Maroon Alerts text messages will I receive?
Maroon Alerts text and e-mail messages will be sent only to alert you to emergency situations when there is an imminent threat to public safety. If you sign up for weather-related alerts, you will also receive Maroon Alerts when weather conditions impact the College's operating schedule. The exact number is difficult to predict, but there should be very few. You will receive messages within seconds of their transmission, assuming your cell phone is powered on.
What do I need to get Maroon Alerts, and how much does it cost?
Students are automatically enrolled with the cell number listed in the college database. Faculty and staff members are enrolled if they have a cell number listed on their employee profile with Human Resources.
All students, faculty and staff receive Maroon Alerts via the cell number and via Roanoke College email.
What if I change my cell phone service provider or phone number?
If you change your phone number or cellular service provider, you need to make the appropriate changes to your Roanoke College account to avoid an interruption in Maroon Alert service.
What will the Maroon Alerts tell me?
A short text message will state the type of threat and indicate suggested action. For instance, in the event of a hurricane threat: Hurricane-force winds expected at [time]. Shelter inside. See" Because the messages must be brief, you will often be directed to go to the College's Web site for more details.
I don't have text messaging on my cell phone. Will I still be notified by email?
Yes, the college will continue to use all-campus e-mails to notify the campus community of emergency situations. In weather cases, the college will also notify local news media as it has in the past. Maroon Alerts also sends e-mail to everyone on campus via their Roanoke College email account.
An important reminder : The Roanoke College Web site is the primary and most complete resource for current emergency information. Maroon Alerts is just one of the methods the College will use to communicate emergency information. If appropriate, global e-mails, the telephone switchboard, local media and other communication tools will also be used.