Safety Tips
If a situation seems in any way suspicious or gives you a bad feeling, call Campus Safety immediately!
Common sense is the best guide to safety on a college campus! Here are a few tips to keep in mind.
* Keep Residence Hall interior and exterior doors locked at all times. If an exterior door is found unlocked, please call Campus Safety.
* Walk in well-lit and well-traveled areas with a friend or in a group, especially after dark, or call Campus Safety for an escort.
* Keep car doors locked at all times and secure valuables out of sight when using campus parking facilities.
* Keep yourself informed. Check e-mail and text messages, for Campus Safety/Alert notices which pertain to specific security conditions on campus. Take advantage of sponsored informational programs offered.
* Become familiar with emergency exits and locations of fire alarm pull stations and extinguishers in your building.
* Lock offices when you are not present. Keep office and building keys with you, and do not loan them to unauthorized persons.
* Keep your Maroon ID secure at all times and do not loan it to unauthorized persons.
* Report all crimes, security problems, hazardous conditions, suspicious persons, vehicles, or activities to Campus Safety immediately.
* If you're going to be alone in an academic building, let a friend or Campus Safety know.
* Monitor cooking food in the microwave or on the stove closely - don't leave it unattended.
* When buildings are evacuated due to fire alarms, do not re-enter the building until advised by Campus Safety or the Fire Department.
* Do not leave valuable items (laptops, game consoles, expensive equipment) in common areas unsecured.
* Be familiar with your vehicle and have equipment appropriate for the season.