Drug Free Schools & Campuses Act
The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) Part 86 requires institutions of higher education, which receive federal education funding, to develop and implement a drug and alcohol prevention program that complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act (DFSCA). The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) must include the following in annual notification to all students and employees:
- Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees;
- A description of the applicable legal sanctions under federal, state, or local law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
- A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol;
- A description of substance abuse programs (counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, and re-entry) that are available to employees and students;
- A clear statement of the disciplinary sanctions students and employees may face (consistent with Local, State, and Federal law) for violations of standards of conduct relating to drugs and alcohol.
In compliance with the DFSCA, Roanoke College is providing this document containing links to college policies and resources concerning the use of alcohol of drugs. This document may be updated periodically and changes will made to the electronic form. Printed copies are available by request in the Office of the Dean of Students. For more information, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (540) 375-2592.
Biennial Review
In compliance with the DFSCA, Roanoke College has established a DAAPP Review Committee to complete a biennial review of the College’s alcohol and drug policies to determine program effectiveness, implement changes as necessary, and ensure disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced. The committee is chaired by the Associate Dean of Students and the following individuals serve as committee members: Director of Campus Safety, Associate Dean of Students/Director of Student Health and Counseling Services, Director of Human Resources, Director of Residence Life & Housing, Head Resident Advisor (student), Wellness Coordinator (student), and other appointees as decided by the chair. As required, the DAAPP Review Committee’s report will be published and available on the College’s webpage here.