Administrative Assessment
Administrative Unit Goals. Each administrative division maintains assessment plans with the assessment plan reporting structure tailored to the unique work of the division for efficient use of results. The assessment reporting structure by division is:
Academic Affairs: Each office maintains an annual assessment cycle with summaries of assessment findings and planned use of results due in a year-end report to the Dean of the College.
Student Affairs: Each office maintains an annual assessment cycle with summaries of assessment findings and planned use of results due in a year-end report to the Dean of Students.
Resource Development:A comprehensive divisional plan with offices contributing to the overall plan. The comprehensive plan is designed to capture the interrelated support required by the units in Resource Development.
Information Technology (IT): The division maintains one detailed assessment plan organized around tasks in the division. Because the work of the IT division crosses multiple offices working together on projects, the division finds assessment most helpful when it brings offices together to compile and discuss assessment results in one report.
Admissions and Financial Aid: Each office maintains an annual assessment cycle in addition to the monthly progress updates to the Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid.
Business Affairs: Each office maintains an annual assessment cycle. Summaries of assessment findings are presented in a year-end meeting with the Vice President of Business Affairs where the results are discussed and changes for the following fiscal year are planned.
Annual assessment process. The components of the annual outcomes assessment process in administrative units are:
- Unit mission statement connecting the unit to the College’s mission statement.
- Specific and measurable unit-level operational outcomes (at least three). Student support services also specify student learning outcomes appropriate to the unit.
- Assessment mechanisms the unit uses to measure each outcome (at least two direct measures).
- Achievement targets for each measure connected to outcomes.
- Findings based on performance and discussion of findings, if appropriate.
- Judgment of target completion based on findings (met, partially met, not met).
- Action Plans for use of results (If a target is partially met or not met, action is recommended. In some cases, where the findings suggest multiple actions are needed, units are encouraged to focus on only one or two changes a year to determine if change was effective). Action plans consist of implementation description, date, person(s) responsible, and budget requested.