Curriculum Vitae
The Rev. Paul R. Hinlicky, Ph.D., is the Tise Professor of Lutheran Studies at Roanoke College, where previously he had held the Jordan-Trexler Professorship of Religion and Philosophy. He began teaching part-time for Web-based seminary, the Institute of Lutheran theology ( in 2010. Ordained a Lutheran minister in 1978 in a predecessor body of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, he has been the pastor of the New River Parish, Blacksburg, Virginia, in partnership with his wife Ellen (2003-2008), and previously assistant to the pastor at St Mark Lutheran Church, Roanoke, Virginia and interim pastor at Christ Lutheran Church, Roanoke. He was Visiting Professor of Systematic Theology at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, from 1993-9, where he earned the title "Docent" in 1999 on the basis of the successful defense of his habilitation work, "Buducnost Cirkvi: Co by pre nas mal znamenat lutheransky-katolicky dialog?" ("A Future for the Church: What the Lutheran - Catholic Dialogue Should Mean For Us"). He holds the B.A. from Concordia Senior College, Fort Wayne, IN; the M.Div. from Christ Seminary-Seminex, St. Louis, MO; the Ph.D. (1983) from Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY. While still a graduate student at Union, he served as assistant pastor in several New York City parishes, until he became Research Associate for the Department for Church in Society of the Division for Mission in North American of the Lutheran Church in America, a position he held for almost four years. In 1985 he became the pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, in Delhi, NY, a post he held until 1993. He has served on the editorial council of dialog and Lutheran Quarterly and as associate editor of Pro Ecclesia. He serves as a Book Review editor for the 16th Century Journal in the areas of religion, philosophy and the rise of natural science. He served as editor of Lutheran Forum, 1988-1993. In 1991, Theophilus Press published his Mission to the Catskills: A History of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Delhi, New York. He has published numerous academic articles and book reviews and chapter length contributions to books, as well as many popular and occasional pieces. He published books include The Substance of the Faith: Luther's Doctrinal Theology for Today (Fortress, with Mickey Mattox and Dennis Bielfeldt) and Paths Not Taken: Fates of Theology from Luther through Leibniz (Eerdmans). Luther and the Beloved Community: A Path for Christian Theology after Christendom (Eerdmans) and Divine Complexity: A Theological Account of the Rise of Creedal Christianity (Fortress, 2010). Also ALPB Books issued a collection of his sermons, Proclaiming God's Word according to Luther's Doctrine to Americans Today in 2010. Married to Ellen nee Christiansen in 1974, their union has been blessed with a daughter, Sarah, 34, (Princeton Theological Seminary, PhD, 2008) who is Research Professor at the Ecumenical Institute in Strasbourg, France; and a son, William, 27, (BA in Theology, Roanoke College, 2008) who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and gave three semesters of volunteer teaching of English at the Protestant Faculty in Bratislava before returning to Roanoke College to pursue a second BA in Psychology. Sarah became Sarah Ellen Hinlicky Wilson in 2003, joined in holy matrimony to Andrew Lars Wilson of Yakima, Washington. Andrew earned the Ph.D. in Church History at Princeton Theological Seminary in 2009, and finished a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Geneva in 2010. They have a five year old son, Ezekiel.
Research Interests
Systematic Theology in the Christian Tradition; History of Doctrine, especially Early Church Fathers, Reformation and Modern Protestant; Biblical Theology; Ecumenical Theology; Political Theology; Faith and Science Dialogue; Jewish-Christian and Muslim-Christian Interfaith Dialogue.
Great Moments in My Illustrious Career
Current Projects
I am currently involved in several research and writing projects. I anticipate writing a one-volume systematic theology during my up-coming sabbatical year in 2012-13 which will have the title, "Beloved Community: Critical Dogmatics in the Third Christian Millenium." This is how I have described this project to a prospective publisher: "It is organized in four chapters around a discussion of preliminary questions followed by treatments of each of the three articles of the Creed. It is innovative, however, in construing salvation socially as the coming of the Beloved Community, which is primordially the Triune God, and indeed in arguing that this identification of God who comes as the Beloved Community constitutes the one cognitive claim of theology, to which all traditional dogmas are critically subordinated (hence, "critical" not "traditional" or "authoritarian" dogmatics"). In sharp contrast to the predominant Platonic construal of divine transcendence on the analogy of Mind to body, it collapses the traditional dialectic of immanence and transcendence into a doctrine of divine imminence in the advent/event of Beloved Community. It justifies this new departure biblically in an argument against both analogy and univocity in theological language. It argues that the apocalyptic parable, Pauline paradox and Johannine enigma of the New Testament are the proper form of the Word of the God of the gospel, not as the logical nonsense of asserting contradictions, but as a subversive rhetoric whose proper interpretation in reference to the imminent God is just what critical dogmatic theology is and does. The form of cognition in theology is accordingly interpretation. It elaborates this basic thesis with a variety of unusual terms which the author has introduced in recent years: "The theodicy of faith." "Actual evil." "Impassable passivity ." "Theology as interpretation." "Perspectivalism." "Divine complexity." It argues for an eschatological view of creation in its treatment of the First Article in correlation with a treatment of faith as theodicy in Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed (hence, Judaism, Christianity and Islam). It argues for the integration of the three rival "theories" of the atonement on the basis of the "impassible passivity" of the Incarnate Son. It argues for "divine faith" as the causal effect of the Spirit, which is effective in the world in turn as the agency of the total Christ in battle with "actual evil." It relates expectation of the coming of the Beloved Community to the traditional Pauline and Augustinian doctrines of Adam and Christ, other City of Man and the City of God, in the ambiguity of history, and conceives of the resurrection to eternal life as redemption of the creation.
Between now and 2013 when Beloved Community is finished, I am working on several smaller projects. With my colleague and philosophical partner in dialogue, Dr. Brent Adkins, we are planning to co-author a new book on a new approach to the Faith and Reason or Theology and Philosophy relation, tentatively titled Immanence and Imminence. During the summer of 2012 I will be conducting a seminar at the International Luther Congress in Helsinki, Finland with the title, "A Post-Modern Luther," which hopes to assemble philosophers with theologians and Luther scholars to explore Luther's intriguing criticisms and reconstructions of the Western metaphysical tradition. I hope this will turn into an edited volume for a scholarly audience. Finally, pending reception of a grant, I hope to return to Slovakia soon to finish gather research materials on the mid-century Slovak Lutheran Confessor of the Faith, Samuel Stefan Osusky, a few of whose significant writings I have already translated into English.
Courses Taught at Roanoke College, 1999-2008
Values and the Responsible Life
Systematic Theology
Christian Ethics
Nietzsche and Heidegger
Born Again? Catholic and Protestant Perspectives on the New Birth with Dr. Gerald McDermott
Modern Philosophy
History of Christian Thought - East
History of Christian Thought - West
The Holocaust
Introduction to the Theology of Martin Luther
Islam in the Eyes of the West
American Philosophy
Introduction to Christianity
Socrates, Jesus and the Buddha
John Paul II - A Protestant Appreciation
Lincoln and the National Covenant
Martin Luther King's Last Christmas Sermon
"Niebuhr's Realism and the Mess in Iraq"
"Religious War? How to Respond After 9/11"
"Chickens Come Home"
"The Free Exercise of Religion"
Books and Contributions to Books
1. Mission to the Catskills: A History of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Delhi, New York (Theophilus Press, 1991).
2. "Afterward" in Different Voices/Shared Vision: Male and Female in the Trinitarian Community (ALPB Books, 1992).
3. "Response to Mark Noll: 'The Scandal of Evangelical Political Reflection'" in Being Christian Today: An American Conversation ed. Richard John Neuhaus and George Weigel (Washington, D.C.: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1992) 94-100.
4. "Secular and Eschatological Conceptions of Salvation in the Controversy over the Invocation of God," ed. Alvin Kimmel, Jr. in This Is My Name Forever: The Trinity and Gender Language for God (Downers Grove, Il: InterVarsity Press, 2001) 213-239.
5. "The Future of Tolerance," in All Theology is Christology: Essays in Honor of David P. Scaer, ed. Dean O. Wenthe (Fort Wayne, IN: Concordia Theological Seminary Press, 2000) 375-389.
6. "Gethsemane and Postmodernity," in One Incarnate Truth: Christianity's Answer to Spiritual Chaos, ed. Uwe Siemon-Netto (St. Louis: Concordia, 2002) 103-108.
7. "Luther's Anti-Docetism in the Disputatio de divinitate et humanitate Christi (1540)" in Creator est creatura: Luthers Christologie als Lehre von der Idiomenkommunikation ed. O. Bayer & Benjamin Gleede (Berlin & NY: Walter De Gruyter, 2007) 139-185.
8. Dennis Bielfeldt, Mickey L. Mattox, Paul R. Hinlicky, The Substance of the Faith: Luther's Doctrinal Theology for Today (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2008).
9. Paul R. Hinlicky, Paths Not Taken: Fates of Theology from Luther through Leibniz (Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 2009).
10. "Luther and Liberalism" in A Report from the Front Lines: Conversations on Public Theology, A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Benne ed. Michael Shahan (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2009) 89-104.
11. Paul R. Hinlicky, Luther and the Beloved Community: A Path for Christian Theology after Christendom (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2010).
11. Paul R. Hinlicky, Divine Complexity: The Rise of Creedal Christianity (St Paul, MN: Fortress, 2010).
12. "Luther's Atheism" in When Reason is a Whore: The Dilemma of the Lutheran Philosopher ed. J. Hockenberry (forthcoming, Fortress, 2011).
13. "A Leibnizian Transformation? Reclaiming the Theodicy of Faith" in Transformations in Luther's Reformation Theology: Historical and Contemporary Reflections, Vol. 32, Arbeiten zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte.ed. C. Helmer and B. K. Holm (Leibzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt , 2011).
14. "Authority in the Church: A Plea for Critical Dogmatics" in New Directions for Lutheranism ed. C. Braaten (Delhi, NY: ALPB Books, 2010).
15. "Staying Lutheran in the Changing Churches," Afterword in Mickey L. Mattox and E. Gregg Roeber, Changing Churches (forthcoming).
Academic Articles
1. "Confession: A New Look at Some Old Theology," Academy: Lutherans in Profession (1983: XXXIX) 57‑80.
2. "The Human Predicament in Emergent Post‑Modernity," dialog (Summer 1984: 23/3) 167‑173.
3. "The Gospel versus European Political Theology: The Debate over Status Confessionis," Lutheran Forum (Advent 1984: 18/4) 24‑29, with an addendum, "More on Status Confessionis," Lutheran Forum (Pentecost 1985: 19/2) 11.
4. "The Task of the Churches for Peace: A Report on a Conference at Loccum, West Germany" with Dr. George Brand, Currents in Theology and Mission (June 1985: 12/3) 148‑156.
5. "On the Need for Lutheran Political Thought: An Essay in Honor of Richard Niebanck," Lutheran Forum (Pentecost 1985: 19/2) 8‑11.
6. "Nuclear Deterrence: A Debate," with Dr. Robert Jenson, Currents in Theology and Mission (October 1985: 12/5) 261‑276.
7. "A Statement of Christian Counsel on Abortion," The Zion Almanac (1986: 40) 122‑29.
8. "Christian Preaching as Criticism of Culture," Lutheran Partners (September/October 1986: 2/5) 17‑20, 25.
9. "Women in the Church: A Theological Critique of the Missouri Synod Report," dialog (Fall 1986: 25/4) 303‑306.
10. "He Was Made To Be Sin ‑ Atonement Today: In Honor of Robert W. Bertram," Currents in Theology and Mission (June 1987: 14/3) 177‑184.
11. "What If The 'Real World' Is The Coming Reign of God?" dialog (Summer 1987: 26/3) 180‑183.
12. "The Integrity of the Ministry in the ELCA," Ad Fontes (Occasional Papers, Number One, August 1987).
13. "Theocentrism," dialog (Fall 1987: 26/4) 258‑263.
14. "Response to Robert Bertram," dialog (Winter 1988: 27/1) 66.
15. "A Time for Decision," Lutheran Forum (Lent 1988: 22/1) 17-19.
16. "The Task of Lutheran Political Thought Today," Word & World (Summer 1988: 8/3) 271-281.
17. "A Church in Society Reflection," Lutheran Commentator (Summer 1988: 2/1) 1, 6-8.
18. "Conformity to Christ in the Gospel of Mark," Currents in Theology and Mission (August 1988: 15/ 4) 364-368.
19. "The Crisis in American Lutheranism Today," Lutheran Forum (Reformation 1988: 22/3) 8-12.
20. "Gnosticism: New and Old" (with Ellen I. Hinlicky), dialog (Winter 1989: 28/1) 12-17.:29-31.
21. "Luther Against the Contempt of Women," Lutheran Quarterly (Winter 1989: 2/4) 515-530.
22. "Gospel and Ministry in the ELCA," Lutheran Quarterly (Summer 1989: 3/2) 183-208.
23. "Havens from the Heartless Home," dialog (Summer 1989: 28/3) 175-182.
24. "The Doctrine of the Church" Parts One and Two, by Ján Michalko, translated by William Hinlicky, edited and with an Introduction by Paul R. Hinlicky, Lutheran Quarterly (Autumn 1990: 4/3) 271-316; (Winter 1990: 4/4) 439-469.
25. "Evangelism at the End of Protestantism," dialog (Summer 1991: 30/3) 204-212.
26. "Exodus from Lutheranism: An Argument with John Tietjen's New Book," Lutheran Forum (August 1991: 25/3) 26-32.
27. "For the Church, Against the Quotas," Lutheran Forum (November 1992: 26/4) 64-68.
28. "Church in Society: Breaking Free of the Liberal Hegemony," Lutheran Forum (May 1993: 27/2) 44-52.
29. "War of Worlds: Re-Visioning the Abortion Dilemma," Pro Ecclesia (Spring 1993: II/2) 187-207.
30. "Evangelical Authority," Lutheran Forum (November 1993: 27/4) 58-62.
31. "Evangelical Authority, Part Two," Lutheran Forum (February 1994: 28/1) 58-62.
32. "A Lutheran Contribution to the Theology of Judaism," Journal of Ecumenical Studies (Winter-Spring 1994: 31/1-2) 123-152.
33. "Ignatius, Bishop and Martyr," Lutheran Forum (May 1994: 28/2) 58-62.
34. 35. "Luther and Ignatius on the History of Salvation," Lutheran Forum (August 1994: 28/3) 56-62.
36. "The Church as the Kingdom of Christ," Lutheran Forum (November 1994: 28/4) 58-62.
37. "St. John the Theologian: An Approach to the Fourth Gospel," Lutheran Forum (May 1995: 29/2) 58-62.
38. "A Criticism of the Criticism of the Gospel of John," Lutheran Forum (August 1995: 29/3) 56-62.
39. "The Anti-Docetic Theology of the Gospel of John," Lutheran Forum (November 1995: 29/4) 64-70.
40. "Incarnation and the Knowledge of God," Lutheran Forum (February 1996: 30/1) 56-62.
41. "The Petrine Witness to Jesus Christ, the Son of God," Lutheran Forum (May 1996: 30/2) 54-62.
42. "Theological Anthropology: Towards Integrating Theosis and Justification by Faith," Journal of Ecumenical Studies (Winter 1997: 34/1) 38-73.
43. "The Meaning of the Resurrection," Lutheran Forum (Spring 1997: 31/1) 35-39.
44. "Lutheran Conscience and Ecumenical Hope," Lutheran Forum (Summer 1997: 31/2) 17-20.
45. "Debacle and Hope: Philadelphia 1997," dialog (Spring 1998: 37/2) 145-8.
46. "A Response to the Vatican's Response: I. The Persistence of Sin in the Life of the Redeemed," Lutheran Forum (Fall, 1998:32/3)5-7.
48. "Human Dignity and the New Evangelization: A Protestant Theological Appreciation and Criticism of John Paul II's Encyclical Teaching on the Church's Witness to Human Dignity as the Basis for Human Rights and Social Tolerance," forthcoming in Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg Journal.
49. "Luther's Theology of the Cross," Part One, Lutheran Forum (Summer, 1998: 32/2) 46-49.
50. "Luther's Theology of the Cross," Part Two, Lutheran Forum (Fall, 1998: 32/3).
51. "Christ's Bodily Presence in the Holy Supper: Real or Symbolic?," Lutheran Forum.(Fall, 1999: 33/3) 24-28.
52. "A Response to the Vatican's Response: II. Is There a Lutheran Communion?" Lutheran Forum (Winter, 1998:32/4) 9-11.
53. "The Lutheran Dilemma," Pro Ecclesia (Fall, 1999: VIII:4) 391-422.
54. "The Doctrine of the New Birth: From Bullinger to Edwards" Missio Apostolica (November, 1999: Vol. VII/2) 102-199.
55. "Tough-Minded Augustinianism: Some Guidance for Christian Apologetics in our Day" Glaube und Denken (Sonderband, 1999) 157-172.
56. "Christ's Bodily Presence in the Holy Supper and Christology," Lutheran Forum (Winter, 1999: 33:4) 41-4.
57. "A Phoenix Rises In Slovakia," Lutheran Forum (Spring, 2000: Vol. 34, No. 1) 42-45.
58. "The Spirit of Christ amid the Spirits of the Post-Modern World: The Crumley Lecture," Lutheran Quarterly (Vol. XIV, No. 4, Winter, 2000) 433-458.
59. "Process, Convergence, Declaration: Reflections on Doctrinal Dialogue," The Cresset (Pentecost, 2001) Vol. LXIV, No. 6, 13-18.
60. "Lincoln's Theology of the Republic According to the Second Inaugural Address," The Cresset, (LXV, No. 6, May, 2002) 7-14.
61. "Slovak Lutheran Theology: Reflections on its Problems and Prospects," Religion in Eastern Europe (Vol. XXIII, No. 1, February, 2003) 26-36 (simultaneously published in the Slovak language, translated by Magdelena Sefcikova: Cirkevne Listy Vol. 77, no. 3 & 4)
62. "Melanchthon as Educator," The Cresset LXVII/3 (Epiphany/Lent, 2004) 11-15.
63. "Iraq - Three Years Later," March 2006 Journal of Lutheran Ethics (on-line at Volume 6, Issue 3
64. "A Review of Law and Protestantism: The Legal Teachings of the Lutheran Reformation" February 2004 Journal of Lutheran Ethics (on line) Volume 4, Issue 2
65. "A Lutheran Encyclical: Benedict's Deus Caritas Est," August 2006 Journal of Lutheran Ethics (on line) Volume 6, Issue 8.
66. "Niebuhr's Realism and the Mess in Iraq," June 2007 Journal of Lutheran Ethics (on line) Volume 7, Issue 6.
67. "Recognition not Blessing," August 2005 Journal of Lutheran Ethics (on line) Volume 5, Issue 8
68. "What We Owe Iraq," August 2007 Journal of Lutheran Ethics (on line) Volume 7, Issue 8.
69. "Appreciation and Critique of the ELCA Draft Social Statement on Sexuality," August 2008, Journal of Lutheran Ethics (on line), Vol. 8, Issue 8.
70. "Luther and Heidegger: A Review Essay of Benjamin D. Crowe, Heidegger's Religious Origins: Destruction and Authenticity" Lutheran Quarterly Vol. XXII, No.1 (2008) 78-86.
71. "Whose Church? Which Ministry?" Lutheran Forum Vol. 42, No. 4 (Winter 2008) 48-53.
72. "Luther's Christocentric and Biblical Doctrine of Marriage" May, 2009 Journal of Lutheran Ethics (on line), Vol. 9, Issue 5.
73. "Response to Mark Mattes on Paths Not Taken," August, 2010 Journal of Lutheran Ethics (on line), Vol. 10, Issue 8.
74. Paul R. Hinlicky, "Sin, Death, and Derrida" Lutheran Forum Vol. 44, No. 2 (Summer 2010) 54-59.
75. "Review Essay: The Refusal to Cease Suffering: Liberation Theology after the End of History by Daniel Bell," October, 2010, Journal of Lutheran Ethics (on line) Vol. 10, Issue 10.
76. "Review Essay: Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict that Changed American History by James C. Burkee (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2011) forthcoming in Lutheran Quarterly.
77. "Leibniz and the Theology of Beloved Community," forthcoming in Pro Ecclesia.
Book Reviews
1. The Bible and Social Reform, edited by Ernest R. Sandeen, dialog (Spring 1985: 23/2) 154.
2. The Essential Reinhold Niebuhr: Selected Essays and Addresses, edited and introduced by Robert McAfee Brown, Religious Studies Review (January 1987: 13/1) 58.3.
3. Reinhold Niebuhr: A Biography by Richard Fox, dialog (Winter 1988: 27/1) 67-70.
4. The Limits of Love: Some Theological Explorations by Gilbert Meilander, Religious Studies Review.
5. Justification: The Article by Which the Church Stands or Falls by Carl Braaten, dialog (Winter 1992: 31/1) 70-73.
6. Prologue to History by John Van Seters, The Book of the Torah by Thomas W. Mann, and The Old Testament of the Old Testament by R.W.L. Moberly, Pro Ecclesia (Fall 1993: II/4) 493-7.
7. Jonathan Edwards Confronts the Gods, by Gerald McDermott, Pro Ecclesia (Summer, 2001: X/3) 368-372)
8. "Autonomy is Heresy: A Review Essay of William Lazareth, Christians in Society: Luther, the Bible and Social Ethics," Lutheran Forum (Spring, 2002: 36/1) 38-45.
9. "Renaissance Humanism in Support of the Gospel in Luther's Early Correspondence: Taking All Things Captive," by Timothy P. Dost in Sixteenth Century Journal (Fall 2003: XXXIV/3) 796-7.
10. Documents from the History of Lutheranism 1517-1750, ed. Eric Lund and A History of Lutheranism by Eric W. Gritsch in Sixteenth Century Journal (Fall 2003: XXXIV/3) 803-5.
11. Law and Protestantism: The Legal Teachings of the Lutheran Reformation by John Witte, Jr.; foreword by Martin E. Marty. (Cambridge University Press, 2002) in Sixteenth Century Journal XXXV/2 (2004) 534-6.
12. Augustinian Perspectives in the Renaissance by Ake Bergvall in Sixteenth Century Journal (Spring 2006: XXXVII/3) 936-937.
13. Lutherforschung im 20, Jahrhundert: Rueckblick, Bilanz, Ausblick ed. Rainer Vinke, (Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 2004) in Sixteenth Century Journal (Summer 2007) XXXVIII/2 616-7.
14. The Forging of Races: Race and Scripture in the Protestant Atlantic World, 1600-2000 by Colin Kidd (NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006) in Sixteenth Century Journal (Summer 2008) XXXIX/2 513-4.
15. After Heresy: Colonial Practices and Post-Colonial Theologies by Vítor Westhelle. (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2010) forthcoming in Lutheran Quarterly.
1. Lutheran Forum, Editor, August 1988-1993. Editorials published as follows:
1. "Christ Alone," (November 1988: 22/4) 4-6.
2. "Grace Alone," (February 1989: 23/1) 4-6.
3. "Faith Alone," (May 1989: 23/2) 4-6, 32.
4. "Scripture Alone," (August 1989: 23/3) 4-6.
5. "One Voice, Fewer Songs," (November 1989: 23/4) 4-6.
6. "Professor Scaer's Tactics," (February 1990: 24/1) 5.
7. "Letter to a Friend on Evangelical Catholicity," (May 1990: 24/2) 4-6.
8. "Jesus Calls Us to Liberty!" (August 1990: 24/3)
9. "Our Troubled Ministry," (November 1990: 24/4) 4-5
10. "Rumors of War," (November 1990: 24/4) 9-10.
11. "The Future of Reformation," (February 1991: 25/1) 8-10.
12. "The Satis Est Controversy in the ELCA" (May 1991: 25/2) 4-6.
13. "Orlando, '91: Let Them Come to St. Olaf," (November 1991: 25/4) 4-5.
14. "Call to Faithfulness II: Setting the Agenda," (February 1992: 26/1) 4-5.
15. "Farewell Messages from the Departing Editor (August 1993: 27/3) 5-6.
2. Pro Ecclesia, Associate Editor, Fall 1992-present. From Spring 1995, editor of a regular feature, "Theological Exegesis," to which the following contributions have been made:
1. "Resurrection and the Knowledge of God," (Spring 1995: IV/2) 226-232.
2. "Grace and Discipleship in the Kingdom of God," (Summer 1995: IV/3) 356-363.
3. "The Presence of Jesus the Christ," (Fall 1995: IV/4) 479-485.
4. "Isaianic Texts in Advent, Christmas and Epiphany," (Fall 1996: V/4) 488-495.
5. "Proclaiming Paul Today," (Summer 1998: VII/3).
6. "What Hope after Holocaust?" (Winter, 1999: VIII/1) 12-22.
Publications for the Division for Mission in North America, Lutheran Church in America (1982-1985)
1. Christian Faith and the Nuclear Morass (June 1984).
2. "Racism: A Contemporary Babylonian Captivity of the Church," in Inclusiveness and Diversity: Gifts of God (July 1984).
3. "Peace and Politics: A Social Statement of the Lutheran Church in America" [member of drafting team] (July 1984).
Textbooks written in the Slovak language for Evanjelická bohoslovecká fakulta, Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava and published in the faculty printshop (several, as indicated, are scheduled to be published by the Slovak publishing house, Tranoscius):
1. A Future for the Church: What the Lutheran - Catholic Dialogue Ought to Mean [habilitation work]: March 1998 (forthcoming, Tranoscius, 1999).
2. Theology of the Nicene Creed: 1997
3. A Reader in the History of Doctrine: 1997.
4. The Contemporary Dialogue between Christian Faith in the Creator and Natural Science: 1997.
5. A Reader in Introduction to Dogmatics: 1997.
6. Anthology: Justification by Faith, with Dr. Peter Pavlovic
1. Igor Kišš, "Luther's Ethic Face to Face with the Social Challenges of Today," Seminary Ridge Review (Autumn 1998, Vol. 1., no. 1) 18-25.
2. Julius Filo, "The Liturgical Life of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia as a Witness to her struggles and visions," Seminary Ridge Review (Vol.1, No. 4, Autumn 1999).
3. "Pastoral Letter on the Jewish Question (1942) Bishops Pavel Cobrda and Samuel Stefan Osusky, Lutheran Quarterly (Autumn, 2009)
4. Samuel Stefan Osusky, "The Philosophy of Boshevism, Fascism and Hitlerism," in Two Parts, Lutheran Forum ( ).
5. Martin Luther, "Sermon for the Sunday in Christmastide, (The Day of the Holy Innocents, [December 28, 1544,] from the Same Epistle,) Titus 3 [:4-8] in Luther's Works, Vol. 58 (St. Louis: Concordia, 2010) 206-212.
Doctoral Dissertation
The Gospel and the Knowledge of God: St. Mark's theologia crucis (Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1983); Dr. Christopher Morse, Director.
Works in Progress
1. Immanence and Imminence: A New Dialogue of Faith and Reason with Brent Adkins (seeking a publisher).
2. "The Use of Luther in Pietism and Rationalism," Oxford Handbook to Martin Luther, ed. I. Dinge, R. Kolb & L. Batka (2012).
3. Beloved Community: Critical Dogmatics for the Third Christian Millenium. A One-Volume Systematic Theology (2013).
Raj Hnilickych - Our Paradise in Catawba