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Avaliable as a major 

Biochemistry draws on all sciences to explore the living world and causes of disease at the molecular level.

Our program is one of only a few that is accredited by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

As a biochemistry student, you'll be encouraged to test your ideas through research from your very first courses, often using advanced equipment that other schools reserve exclusively for graduate students. In addition, all biochemistry faculty have active research programs. As a student, you'll gain valuable experience investigating real-world problems while working one-on-one with faculty.

student in a lab

Curriculum & Courses

CHEM 340: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
BIOL 315: Genetics
CHEM 341: Biochemistry I

student using lab equipment

Student Experiences

"I was able to do research with great professors, attend conferences and make connections. Everyone here helped me a lot whether it be in applying to grad school, pursuing research or doing my honors thesis project. I had so much support throughout my entire journey."

Huda Hashash '24, international student, now in graduate school at Duke University

Huda Hashash smiles and applauds during her graduation from Roanoke College


At Roanoke, first-semester freshmen use instruments that are available only to seniors or graduate students at many other schools. Alumni tell us that their experiences with instrumentation here distinguish them from the norm when they enter graduate school or the workforce.

  • Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in disease-causing organisms
  • Estrogen and androgen signaling pathways
  • The effects of hormones on gene expression
  • Molecular mechanisms controlling cell shape
  • The origins and evolution of meiosis
  • Enzymes important in metabolism and chemotherapy
  • The purine biosynthetic pathway in archaea
A blue-gloved hand holds a test tube

Careers & Outcomes

Wright graduated with a degree in biochemistry and is now a doctoral candidate in biochemistry at Duke University.  

“Having a rigorous yet fun educational experience at Roanoke College prepared me well for my scientific career. The small class sizes and hands-on laboratory course experiences enabled me to quickly learn scientific concepts and ideas. Most importantly, the opportunity to get involved in independent research starting from freshman year was key. Under the supervision of my undergraduate advisor, Dr. Tim Johann, I was given a tremendous amount of freedom to explore my independent studies in the biochemistry lab. These opportunities are rare for undergraduates at most schools." 

Nicholas Wright '16

Lydiah Mpyisi ’16 has a knack for lab research. While at Roanoke, she studied four Tuberculosis proteins to identify targets for antibiotics.

“I got interested because tuberculosis is a big problem in Africa and Kenya, where I come from,” said Mpyisi, who was born in Kenya.

At Roanoke, Mpyisi majored in Biology and Environmental Science, and she earned a minor in Chemistry. Her research helped her land a summer internship at Salem-based Novozymes, a global biotech company. Following graduation and military service, Mpyisi went on to study medicine at University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine.

Lydiah Mpyisi conducts research in a Roanoke College laboratory.

Cooper Tyree '15 graduated with a major in biochemistry and a minor in Spanish before going on to study dentistry at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. During his time at Roanoke, he was able to build a foundation for his career path by pursuing an independent study research project on the microbiology and biochemistry of dental caries – otherwise known as cavities.

"I have always been interested in dentistry, and so figuring out what is actually happening in dental caries was a great way for me to explore that passion further," Tyree said.

Tyree is now a successful dentist at a practice in Virginia.

Cooper Tyree '15 in his graduation robe

Using a cutting-edge technique during his college experience made Matthew Johnson '19 feel excited about the future. "We are using a new, revolutionary technique called CRISPR/Cas9 in hopes of discovering a new gene," he said.  

During a research internship at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York, his research focused on Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Johnson is particularly interested in cancer cells that are resistant to chemotherapy in order to prevent cancer relapse. At Roanoke College, he conducted extensive research in Dr. Cathy Sarisky's lab.

"I've gained so much experience through this research, and it's helped me apply to medical school this year," Johnson said. He went on to study medicine at Harvard Medical School and matched Brigham and Women's Hospital for internal medicine. 

Matthew Johnson '19 in a Roanoke College laboratory
Graphic including logos for Boston University, University of Virginia, Notre Dame, University of Pennsylvania, Virginia Tech and Pitt.




Biochemistry draws on all sciences to explore the living world and causes of disease at the molecular level.

Our program is one of only a few that is accredited by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

As a biochemistry student, you'll be encouraged to test your ideas through research from your very first courses – and often using advanced equipment that other schools reserve exclusively for graduate students. In addition, all biochemistry faculty have active research programs. As a student, you'll gain valuable experience investigating real-world problems while working one-on-one with faculty.

Students majoring in this field often go on to pursue a professional degree in one of the medical fields. Others continue with graduate study in biology, chemistry or biochemistry, or enter the workforce.

We offer a major in biochemistry.