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Classics and the Ancient Mediterranean World

Available as a concentration 

You can pursue many aspects of ancient civilizations, from upper-level independent studies in Greek or Latin to advanced courses in the history, material culture, religion and patterns of thought of the ancient world. With coursework in ancient languages, history, philosophy, religion, archaeology, art and literature, the classics concentration connects seamlessly to majors offered by the College. 

Studies in the classics will prepare you with critical thinking and analytical skills that translate into strong results on GRE and LSAT exams. Classics students often find themselves well-placed in graduate or law school.

students in Greece

Curriculum & Courses

ARTH 220: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology 
HIST 212: Ancient Greece
PHIL 251: Early Western Philosophy

Students in Egypt

Student Experiences

Roanoke College's "Zeno Contest" is a critical thinking competition sponsored annually by the College's Religion and Philosophy Department and the general education program. This test of wits and ingenuity requires students to submit papers which explain a proposed puzzle and provide a solution to it. The name of the contest honors Zeno of Elea, a philosopher known for his paradoxes. The student with the best solution is awarded a modest cash prize and an "extravagant" trophy.

Zeno statue

Travel and Research

Classics students have the opportunity to work one-on-one with an outstanding faculty member at Roanoke, including one of the few Egyptologists in the state.

  • The generosity of an anonymous Roanoke College donor enabled art history majors Serena Soterakopoulos '18 and Jacob Friedrich '19 to travel to Elephantine Island, Egypt, for five weeks in 2017. The student ceramic research assistants dove into the rich archaeological history of Elephantine Island while exploring the current vibrancy of the Egyptian culture.

    Normally, Soterakopoulos and Friedrich conduct their research-primarily the analysis of ceramic material procured from various Egyptian archeological sites-on campus with Dr. Leslie Anne Warden, assistant professor of art history and archaeology. For this experience, they assisted on the "Realities of Life" archaeological project, which is run by the German Archaeological Institute, Cairo. The project studies an ancient Egyptian settlement on the southeastern portion of the island, located in the middle of the Nile River.  Read more

Careers & Outcomes

young woman stands in front of brick building

Art history major Brieanah Gouveia '17 received a Fulbright Study Award to Scotland's University of Glasgow. She participated in an art history program titled Collecting and Provenance in an International Context. She was able to participate as a researcher in the University's Trafficking Culture project, and also obtained a master's degree.

"I am so thankful for the guidance Roanoke professors have given me along the way. I would not be where I am today if it weren't for their encouragement and support. I'm so glad I went to Roanoke," said Gouveia.




  • Dr. Charmaine A. Nelson will present the annual Emancipation Week lecture sponsored by the Center for Studying Structures of Race.

    April 2, 2025
    7 - 8 p.m.

    Wortmann Ballroom

    Emancipation Week Lectureevent image
  • Join Roanoke College as we honor the lives and legacies of enslaved individuals connected to our history with the dedication of a new memorial by Richmond-based artist Sandy Williams IV.

    April 4, 2025
    4:30 - 6 p.m.

    Front Quad

    Authors & Architects Memorial Dedicationevent image

A concentration in Classics and the Ancient Mediterranean World allows you to explore the cultures of Greece, Rome and Egypt in-depth, while providing an introduction to other ancient civilizations.

You can pursue many aspects of ancient civilizations, from upper-level independent studies in Greek or Latin to advanced courses in the history, material culture, religion and patterns of thought of the ancient world. With coursework in ancient languages, history, philosophy, religion, archaeology, art and literature, the classics concentration connects seamlessly to majors offered by the College. 

Studies in the classics will prepare you with critical thinking and analytical skills that translate into strong results on GRE and LSAT exams. Classics students often find themselves well-placed in graduate or law school.

The study of classics and the ancient world will prepare you for careers that require problem-solving, research and communication skills as well as an essential understanding of the origins and future direction of world culture.

We offer a concentration in Classics and the Ancient Mediterranean World.