Data Science
Available as a major
Ever wondered how Spotify compiles personal year-in-review playlists every December? Or how crime data maps of different neighborhoods can be so specific? Data science is an interdisciplinary field that lies at the intersection of mathematics, statistics and computer science as well as often partnering with business, engineering and bioinformatics. It is a rapidly evolving field that requires technical skills, critical thinking and strong communication skills.

Curriculum & Courses
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Careers & Outcomes
Beyond providing Spotify users with playlists of songs most listened to, professional data scientists solve a wide array of large-scale problems using data. For example, huge traffic datasets can be analyzed to inform governments about needed roadwork and improvements. Medical data can be examined to find a variety of solutions, from reducing misdiagnosis to predicting disease.
Students generally take one of two paths — the theoretical track and the applied track. Our program will prepare students for either one. The theoretical track prepares students for graduate school or working for a technologically advanced company such as Amazon. The applied track, for students who are interested in immediate employment, prepares students to enter the business world. Students learn the language of business and finance, and acquire analytics skills currently used in the workplace.
We offer a major in data science.