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Gender and Women's Studies

Available as a concentration 

Gender and women's studies investigates the cultural categories of masculinity and femininity (and the mixtures of the two.)

A concentration in gender and women's studies emphasizes critical thinking skills that will deepen your insights into many different areas of study. You can go on to pursue a career or graduate degree in art, business, education, health care, media, politics, law, social work, psychology, sports or any other field that benefits from a strong liberal arts education.

Curriculum & Courses

GNDR 150: Intro to Gender & Women's Studies
SOCI 229: Sociology of Sex and Gender
HIST 375: Gender and Biography 

Students managing a table for International Women's Day

Student Experiences

student in white dress stands with a lawn behind herOlivia Samimy has taken advantage of every opportunity that has come her way, from fascinating research to studying away from campus. In addition to being a research assistant for Mary Crockett Hill '91, assistant professor of English, Samimy is in the Honors program and has worked for the Roanoke Review literary journal since she was a sophomore.

Her honors distinction project, “Women’s Self-Definition Through Poetry,” won best research paper from the Gender and Women’s Studies Program at Roanoke and was awarded best paper at James Madison University’s MadRush Conference. For that project, Samimy traveled to Emory University and conducted in-depth research on American poet Sylvia Plath.

“I was able to use her unpublished poems and personal correspondence for my research,” Samimy said. “It was an incredible experience, and I'm so lucky that the Honors Program allows us to do really hands-on research like that."

She also participated in the Lutheran College Washington Semester Program, interning in the nation’s capital at Generation Progress, a progressive think tank. There, she worked on advocating for a variety of political issues that affect young people such as gun violence, racial justice issues, immigration and student debt.

Dr. Wendy R. Larson-Harris, professor of English and communication studies, has been Samimy’s advisor all four years, and witnessed Samimy utilize everything the school has to offer.

“She’s a terrific example of how our department’s three majors [Literary Studies, Communication Studies, and Creative Writing] can fit together to give our students a great all-around experience and background to go in any direction they might want to,” Larson-Harris said. “Olivia was a literary studies major, communication studies minor, and her Honors distinction project included writing a collection of original poems, so she really has connected with everything we have to offer.”

After graduation, Samimy will pursue a Master of Library and Information Science degree at the University of Maryland-College Park.

Evelyn Clark smiles for a photo

Evelyn Clark was featured in this series that spotlights female leaders in student government across the country. Clark is a political science major with a concentration in gender and women's studies. She's been involved in numerous student organizations, including College Democrats, LAMBDA Gay-Straight Alliance and the Public Affairs Society.

"I think it's difficult being a female leader anywhere in the world," said Clark. "There's a certain stigma for women who speak their mind and stand up for their beliefs. My greatest challenge would be encouraging other women to get involved and take on leadership positions."

Learn From Visiting Experts

 Susan J. Douglas signs a book

Renowned cultural critic Susan J. Douglas started her lecture at Roanoke College with a startling observation: "Many young women regard [feminism] as the ideological equivalent to anthrax." She followed this by asking the audience if we are living in a "post-sexist" society and, if so, why feminism still matters. According to Douglas, the answer is pretty simple: We don't live in a "post-sexist" society. In fact, just a glimpse into popular media provides plenty of evidence to suggest that sexism is alive and well, despite the progress that's been made in recent decades.

Douglas used shows like "Toddlers and Tiaras," "Jersey Shore" and "Girls Gone Wild" to show how sexist sentiments persist under the guise of progress. Though plenty of women are represented in these programs, the characters they are forced to portray are often shallow and two-dimensional, only interested in physical beauty or fighting for the attention of men.

Despite claims of a post-feminist, post-sexist era, Douglas' lecture showed how behind America really is when it comes to gender equality and how much work still needs to be done. 

Excerpted from a Brackety-Ack article by gender and women's studies student Rachel Barton.

Every year, Roanoke hosts the Women's Forum, a celebration that focuses on today's pressing issues and women in areas across the liberal arts. The forum, which is free and open to the public, includes a variety of events such as films, lectures, discussions, exhibitions and performances.

Photo of the audience at the Gender and Women's Studies Forum
Presenters at the Gender and Women's Studies forum doing a demonstration
Speaker at the Gender and Women's Studies forum
Students participating in an activity at the Gender and Women's Studies Forum
Students participating in an activity at the Gender and Women's Studies Forum

Careers & Outcomes

Julie Bass shares her work during a research poster presentation

Sixty-one fathers took Julie Bass' survey and gave her insights into their daily struggles and triumphs as primary caregivers. Bass discovered that most stay-at-home fathers are often ostracized from playgroups because mothers are suspicious of them. They're often ridiculed by society, which Bass claims is a contradiction when our culture also complains about the lack of male influence in children's lives.

Bass discovered that the messaging of some advertisements works against fathers by showing them as incompetent, when in fact the opposite is true. The influence of a father can be incredibly beneficial to a child in more ways than one. A father is less likely to use baby talk when speaking to his child, increasing vocabulary and comprehension skills. Also, a father allows his children more time to figure out a problem before intervening, promoting independence and problem solving.

Her extensive research prepared Bass for life after graduation. She received an MSW degree from the University of South Carolina and currently is working as a family services specialist in Hanover County, Va.




Gender and women's studies investigates the cultural categories of masculinity and femininity (and the mixtures of the two.)

You'll gain insight into gender as it was understood in the past, as it influences the present and as it may transform in the future. You might read a novel from a female perspective, research social attitudes toward male caregivers or discuss the politics of sexuality.

You'll be encouraged to pursue firsthand learning through research, creative works and community service projects-all of which can be submitted for the gender and women's studies annual cash-prize competition.

A concentration in gender and women's studies emphasizes critical thinking skills that will deepen your insights into many different areas of study. You can go on to pursue a career or graduate degree in art, business, education, health care, media, politics, law, social work, psychology, sports or any other field that benefits from a strong liberal arts education.

We offer a concentration in gender and women's studies.