Medieval Studies
Available as a concentration
Taking on a concentration in Medieval Studies will deepen students’ understanding of our shared human experience. In this interdisciplinary field, students branch out of their disciplines and explore the historical, cultural, literary, linguistic and artistic roots of our modern world.

Curriculum & Courses
Student Experiences
Dr. Charmaine A. Nelson will present the annual Emancipation Week lecture sponsored by the Center for Studying Structures of Race.
- Date:
- April 2, 2025
- Time:
- 7 - 8 p.m.
- Location:
Wortmann Ballroom
Join Roanoke College as we honor the lives and legacies of enslaved individuals connected to our history with the dedication of a new memorial by Richmond-based artist Sandy Williams IV.
- Date:
- April 4, 2025
- Time:
- 4:30 - 6 p.m.
- Location:
Front Quad
Human history is a big beast to tame. A concentration in Medieval Studies can help with perspective.
Taking on a concentration in Medieval Studies will deepen students’ understanding of our shared human experience. As an interdisciplinary field of study, it will require students to branch out of their disciplines and explore the historical, cultural, literary, linguistic and artistic roots of our modern world.
This wide-ranging concentration requires the completion of six courses, including History 120: The Medieval World, and one course from three different academic disciplines. Engaging in this spectrum of study will help students develop a more multifaceted and balanced approach to their work, and would be a useful addendum to those interested in continuing studies or graduate school.
We offer a concentration in medieval studies.