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Religious Studies

Available as a major or minor

Through religious studies, you'll delve into culture, ritual, history, literature and sacred texts, allowing for multifaceted insights into our human urge toward spirituality.

By making connections among various religions, you'll gain a deeper understanding of both world history and global politics.

Curriculum & Courses

RELG 202: New Testament Christianities
RELG 204: Islam
RELG 207: Native American Religions
RELG 220: Christian Ethics
RELG 231: Religion, Philosophy, and Science
RELG 245: Japanese Religions

Students enjoying class outside among fall leaves

Student Experiences

Bridget Gautieri pictured in a worship center

"Going to public school my whole life, I never learned about nor was allowed to talk about religion in the classroom," said Bridget Gautieri '16. "I started doing my own research on different religions out of curiosity and discovered a whole new world! It was like a secret that had been hidden from me my whole life, and it was, and still is, completely fascinating. Studying religion at Roanoke College has broadened my global perspective. Religion affects how people live, talk, act, work, eat, and dress, etc. Understanding different religions helps one understand the world and everyone in it. Therefore, it also applies to any other field/study offered on this campus."

Haley Toresdahl pictured in D.C.

Haley Toresdahl '14, a political science major with a minor in religious studies and a concentration in legal studies, interned at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's faith-based and neighborhood partnerships office during the fall of 2013. Her work on USDA initiatives overlapped with the work of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and she often found herself interacting with White House staffers. 

She wants to build a career focused on hunger issues, and her experience in Washington solidified her future plans. "This has definitely opened up my eyes to all the different options for public service," she said.

Study Abroad

In a May Term travel course, students explored the relationship between sacred space, time and practices, delving into what it means to lead a meaningful life for individual practitioners of Indian religions.

Camels pulling carts
Students in the mountains
Students on elephants holding a Roanoke College banner
Student by the taj Mahal
Student inside an old building in India
Students in front of the Taj Mahal
Students looking over a city in India
A tiger walks by students
Student taking a selfie

Careers & Outcomes

"Going to Roanoke College has helped me get to where I am because I first discovered how much I enjoy studying theology and scripture in my Christian Studies classes. Also, the workload at Roanoke helped to prepare me for the workload at Princeton Theological Seminary."

Brittany Naumann '18



As a religious studies major, you'll have the opportunity to work with Roanoke's outstanding religion faculty, many of whom are leading scholars in their fields.     


Religious studies explore the diversity of faith traditions by encountering each of their worldviews and practices within their cultural and historical contexts. Students discover how practitioners of different religious communities view themselves and their world by reading sacred texts, experiencing and analyzing rituals, studying literature and comprehending each religious system as a holistic way of life.

Because religious studies demand critical thinking and communication skills, you'll be well prepared for both graduate studies and a variety of careers. Religion students often go into education, medicine, law, journalism, international business, diplomacy and, of course, religion.

We offer both a major and a minor in religious studies.