Evelyn Clark recovering from serious accident
August 05, 2016

Evelyn Clark returned to Salem for the first time in July, after a serious accident in early 2016. Clark and her sister met with several faculty and staff members at Mac & Bob's. Clark was paralyzed as a result of the fall but she has made tremendous progress already. She spent several weeks at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, where she had physical therapy and learned to navigate the world from a wheelchair. She is now able to move her upper body and speak on her own. Roanoke College community members who know Clark predict she will continue to make physical improvements as her strength grows and she continues to heal.
Best wishes, Evelyn!
From January 2016:
Roanoke alumni as well as faculty and staff are rallying around Evelyn Clark '15 who was severely injured in a fall in early January. Clark was paralyzed from injuries to her spinal cord, as well as suffering broken ribs, pelvis fractures, spinal fractures and punctured lungs. She is being treated at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, a hospital specializing in spinal cord injury rehab. A fundraising effort has been launched to help Clark and her family with medical expenses. Updates on her progress are posted on the fundraising page. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Evelyn!