2023 Management Institute accepting nominations
October 20, 2022

The Management Institute (TMI), sponsored by Roanoke College’s Business Administration and Economics Department, is accepting nominations for the 2023 Management Program. The application deadline is Friday, Nov. 11, 2022. The program will be held during the spring semester, opening with a networking and team-building event on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2023.
In order to participate, an individual employee must be nominated by an organizational sponsor. Organizations may nominate more than one employee. A maximum of 18 candidates will be admitted to the program this year at a cost of $1,950 per participant. To nominate someone, visit The Management Institute page at www.roanoke.edu/TMI and complete the online registration/nomination form. You will find additional program information available on this page.
The mission of The Management Institute, which has been in operation for 34 years, is to provide the Roanoke Valley business community with a viable management education program that is timely, competitive and informative, and thereby assists in the continued educational development of middle and upper-level managers. The Management Institute was developed by Roanoke College to meet management training needs specific to the Roanoke Valley as identified by local business leaders.
The 2023 Management Program will give participants a fresh look at analyzing, planning and implementing innovative programs; an opportunity to interact with professional peers; and an ongoing network of faculty and participants who can offer support and encouragement.
The curriculum is reviewed and revised annually by the steering committee. The program consists of 12 weeks of formal instruction. Sessions meet on Thursday evenings at Roanoke College from 6:30–9 p.m. beginning Jan. 19, 2023.
The 2023 sessions include: Individual Differences, Perception and Memory; Creating a Workplace Environment Through Motivational Theory; Managing the Multigenerational Workplace; Developing the Leader Within You; The Role of Teamwork, Teams and Team Leadership; Leadership in Crisis; Managing Your Human Capital and Developing Your Workforce; Collaboration, Communication and Security for Business in the Cloud; Current Status of the U.S. Labor Market; Behavioral Economics and Employee Performance; and Achieving Personal Financial Success.
The Steering Committee includes Chair Samuel L. Lionberger Jr., Lionberger Construction Co.; Sharon Gibbs, TMI director, Roanoke College; Dr. Mike Smith, lecturer, Roanoke College; Dr. Ali Nazemi, Roanoke College (retired); Ken Lanford, Lanford Brothers Company, Inc.; Jim Cowan, CowanPerry, PC; Will Karbach, Navigator 267 Inc.; Jennifer Jones, Retirement Unlimited Inc.; Will Farmer, Traxero; and Mark Gobble, Merrill Lynch.
For further information, please contact The Management Institute Director Sharon Gibbs at 540-375-2429 or sgibbs@roanoke.edu, or Secretary Janet Duncan at 540-375-2426 or jduncan@roanoke.edu, or visit: www.roanoke.edu/TMI.