Dr. Fatima
Assistant Professor

401B Life Science
Research & Teaching Interests
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Surface Science
- Semiconductor and Thin Films
- Novel Properties of Low Dimensional Systems
- Photovoltaic and Light-harvesting Nanomaterials.
- Fatima, Yangchao Liao, Sara A. Tolba, Luis Alberta Ruiz Pestana, and Wenjie Xia, (2022) “Electronic Structure and Density Functional Theory, Elsevier Science, ISBN:9780128230534
- Fatima (2011). “Study of the randomness of motor nerve backfiring for different stimulations intervals”, Lambert Academic Publishing, Gmbh & Co.KG, Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8454-7536-3.
- A Bauer, S Elamurugan, Sara A. Tolba, Fatima, E Nega, Ivan T. Lima, W Xia, D Sun, “A portable elliptical dichroism spectrometer targeting secondary structural features of tumorous protein for pancreatic cancer detection”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (IF 12.5), 2023, 222, 114934.
- A Alesadi, Fatima, W Xia, D Kilin, “First-Principles Study on the Electronic Properties of PDPP-Based Conjugated Polymer via Density Functional Theory”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (IF 3.46), 2021, 125 (31), 8953-8964 (featured on the cover of the journal).
- Fatima, W Xia, D. S. KIlin, “Magnetic Field Driven Dynamics in Graphene”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (IF 6.88), 2021, 12, 4749-4754. (featured on the cover of the journal).
- Yangchao Liao, Zhaofan Li, Fatima, Wenjie Xia, (2021), “Size-dependent structural behaviors of crumpled graphene sheets” Carbon (IF 11.3), 2021, 174, 148-157.
- Y Liao, Z Li, S Ghazanfari, Fatima, AB Croll, W Xia, “Understanding the Role of Self-Adhesion in Crumpling Behaviors of Sheet Macromolecules”, Langmuir (IF 4.33), 2021, 37 (28), 8627-8637.
- Fatima; Han, Y.; Vogel, D. J.; Inerbaev, T. M.; Oncel, N; Kilin, D. S., (2019). "Photoexcited Electron Lifetimes Influenced by Momentum Dispersion in Silicon Nanowires.” J. Phys. Chem. C (IF 4.17), 2019, 123 (12), 7457–7466.
- Nicholls, D., Fatima, D. Çakir, and N. Oncel (2019). "Silicene Like Domains on IrSi3 Crystallites.” J. Phys. Chem. C (IF 4.17), 2019, 123 (12), 7225–7229.
- Fatima; Vogel, D. J.; Han, Y.; Inerbaev, T. M.; Oncel, N; Kilin, D. S., (2019). "First-Principles Study of Electron Dynamics with Explicit Treatment of Momentum Dispersion on Si Nanowires along Different Directions." Mol. Phys. (IF 1.96), 117(3): 2293-2302.
- Fatima, Forde A.; Inerbaev, T. M.; Oncel, N, Kilin, D. S., (2019). “Time-resolved Optical Properties of SiNW Oriented in Crystallographic Direction.” MRS Advances (IF 0.72), 2019, 4, 2009-2014.
- Fatima, Vogel, J., T. Inerbaev, N. Oncel, and D. Kilin (2018). "First-Principles Study of Charge Carrier Dynamics with Explicit Treatment of Momentum Dispersion on Si Nanowires along < 211> crystallographic Directions." MRS Advances (IF 0.72), 3(59): 3477-3482.
- Fatima, Zepeda, M., and N. Oncel (2017). "Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy measurements and density functional theory calculations on self-assembled monolayer of octanoic acid on graphite." Thin Solid Films (IF 2.18), 623: 135-137.
- Fatima, I. Can Oguz, D. Çakir, S. Hossain, R. Mohottige, O. Gulseren, and N. Oncel (2016). "On the structural and electronic properties of Ir-silicide nanowires on Si (001) surface." Journal of Applied Physics (IF 2.87) 120(9): 095303 (featured on the cover of the journal).
- Fatima, B Weight, D. S. Kilin, “Magnetic Field Driven Carrier Dynamics in Graphene” ACS Spring 2020 National Meeting, March 22 – 26, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Received “Summer Faculty Research Award 2023” at Roanoke College.
- Selected for the “American Physical Society International Young Leaders Forum 2022”.
- “Löwdin Postdoctoral Research Associate Award” winner, 59th Sanibel Symposium, Feb. 17-22, 2019, St. Simons Island, GA, USA.
- The article, “On the physical and electronic properties of Iridium-silicide nanowires on Si (001) surface” has been featured on the cover of the J. Appl. Phys., 2016.
- The article, “Magnetic Field Driven Dynamics in Graphene” has been featured on the cover of the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021.
- The article, “First-Principles Study on the Electronic Properties of PDPP-Based Conjugated Polymer via Density Functional Theory” has been featured on the cover of the Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021.
- IPCEP-AMPLIFY AWARD winner from the Division of Intellectual Property Commercialization & Economic Development, University of North Dakota.
- “Rokeya Memorial Foundation Merit Scholarship” winner based on the undergraduate result, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.