Dr. Laura Hartman
Associate Professor - Environmental Studies, Faculty Sabbatical

104 Annex- West
- Ph.D., Religious Studies, University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA), 2008
- M.A., Religious Studies, University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA), 2005
- B.A., Religious Studies with Area Certificate in Environmental Studies, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN), 2001
Research & Teaching Interests
- Environmental ethics
- Religion and ecology
- Environmental justice
- Transportation (especially buses)
- Feminist ethics
- Climate change
- Climate engineering
- Animals
- Virtue ethics
- Hartman, Laura M., ed. That All May Flourish: Comparative Religious Environmental Ethics (Oxford University Press, 2018).
- Hartman, Laura M. The Christian Consumer: Living Faithfully in a Fragile World (Oxford University Press, 2011).
- "The Case for Buses: Interdisciplinary Ethical Arguments in Support of Strong Public Transit," co-authored with Kathleen M. Wooley and Ryan C. Tucker (undergraduate students). Under review at Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.
- “Cooperativeness as a Virtue of Sustainability.” Jason Kawall, ed. The Virtues of Sustainability, Oxford University Press, (2021).
- “The Good, the Wild, and the Native: An Ethical Evaluation of Ecological Restoration, Native Landscaping, and the ‘Wild Ones’ of Wisconsin,” co-authored with Kathleen M. Wooley (undergraduate student). Environmental Values (2020).
- “From Place to Emplacement: The Scalar Politics of Sustainability,” co-authored with Elizabeth Barron of University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and Frederik Aagard Hagemann of Lund University (Sweden). Local Environment (2020).
- “Climate Engineering and the Playing God Argument,” Carnegie Journal of Ethics and International Affairs, 31 no. 3 (2017): 1-21.
- “Wrestling With Wickedness: A Response.” Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology 21 (2017) 87-95.
- “Healing the Climate? Christian Ethics and Medical Models for Climate Geoengineering.” Forrest Clingerman and Kevin O’Brien, eds. Calming the Storm: Theological and Ethical Perspectives on Climate Engineering, Lexington Books (2016). 129-148.
- “Environmental Modesty: Recovering an Ancient Virtue to Address Contemporary Problems.” Journal of Religious Ethics 43 no. 3 (September 2015): 475-492.
- “Streets to Live In: Justice, Space, and Sharing the Road,” co-authored with David Prytherch of Miami University (Ohio). Environmental Ethics 37 no. 1 (Spring 2015): 21-44.
- “Sabbath-Keeping as an Environmental Practice.” Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology 15 no. 1 (March 2011).
- “Consuming Christ: The Role of Jesus in Christian Food Ethics.” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2010).
Available as a Media resource for the following topics
- Christianity and the environment
- Religion and ecology
- Climate change
- Environmental justice
- Transportation
- Consumption and consumerism
- Environmental ethics
- Animal ethics
Willing to speak to professional, social or civic groups on
- Christianity and the environment
- Religion and ecology
- Climate change
- Environmental justice
- Transportation
- Consumption and consumerism
- Environmental ethics
- Animal ethics
- RAISE (Roanoke Area Interfaith Stewards of the Earth): https://vaipl.org/raise/
- BRRAG (Bus Riders of Roanoke Advocacy Group): https://sites.google.com/view/brrag
Get in touch!
- To book an appointment, visit my calendar page: https://roa.ke/HartmanBookingPage