Dr. Mary Henold

- PhD in American History, University of Rochester, 2003, Certificate: Gender and Women's Studies
- BA in History and English University of Detroit Mercy, 1996, Concentration: Women's Studies
Research & Teaching Interests
- 19th and 20th Century United States
- Women's and Gender history
- American Catholicism
- Advertising and Consumer Culture
- Urban and Suburban History
- The Laywoman Project: Re-making Catholic Womanhood in the Vatican II Era, 1960-1975 (UNC Press, 2020)
- Catholic and Feminist: the Surprising History of the American Catholic Feminist Movement (UNC Press, 2008)
- “In Praise of the Card Party: A Reflection on the 100th Anniversary of the National Council of Catholic Women,” Cover Essay, American Catholic Studies v 131 (4), Winter 2020.
- “Suffragists’ Work didn’t end in 1920, History News Network, 23 August 2020, http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/176958
- “How Catholic Women Fought against the Vatican’s Prohibition on Contraceptives,” The Conversation (online magazine), 25 June 2018, http://theconversation.com/how-catholic-women-fought-against-vaticans-prohibition-on-contraceptives-94544. Reprinted in Sojourners, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the Chicago Tribune, and the Houston Chronicle.
- "Learning to Bloom Where You’re Planted: Adapting Vocation to the Specifics of Place," in Jason Mahn ed., The Vocation of Lutheran Higher Education (Lutheran University Press, 2016).
- “Woman - Go Forth!”: Catholic Women’s Organizations and their Clergy Advisors in the time of the Emerging Laywoman. U.S. Catholic Historian 32 (4) Fall 2014, 151-173.
- "Helping Women Achieve their Full Stature: Feminism and the NCCW," The American Catholic History Classroom, Fall 2014 (digital resource) http://cuomeka.wrlc.org/exhibits/show/feminism-and-the-nccw/feminism-and-the-nccw/nccw-50th-anniversary-executiv.
- Catholic Action, the Second Vatican Council and the Transformation of American Lay Identity, 1929-1979 (Fordham University Press, 2014)
- “This Is Our Challenge! We Will Pursue It”: The National Council of Catholic Women, the Feminist Movement, and the Second Vatican Council, 1960– 1975". Empowering the People of God: Catholic Action before and after Vatican II, edited by Jeremy Bonner, New York, USA: Fordham University Press, 2013, pp. 197-221. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780823254026-010
- "Consciousness Raising as Discernment: Using Jesuit and Feminist Pedagogies in a Protestant Context," in Elizabeth Petrino and Jocelyn Boryczka eds., Jesuit and Feminist Education: Intersections in Teaching and Learning for the Twenty-First Century (Forthcoming from Fordham University Press, 2011)
- Exhibit Review, Women and Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America, American Catholic Studies Newsletter 38(1) Spring 2011, 12-15.
Available as a Media resource for the following topics
- (Print Media Resource Only)
- US Catholic history
- US women’s/gender history
- US history