Dr. Alice Kassens
John S. Shannon Professor of Economics, Dir Center Economic Freedom

101 Francis T. West Hall
- Ph.D. North Carolina State University, 2005 (Economics)
- B.A. The College of William and Mary, 1998 (Economics, History)
Research & Teaching Interests
- Health Economics
- Labor Economics
- Econometrics
- Data Visualization
Scholarly Activities
- Research Fellow, Institute for Economic Equity, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (2022-present)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Economics Teaching (2022-present)
- Webmaster, Virginia Association of Economists (2014-present)
- Governor’s Joint Advisory Board of Economists (Virginia), Member (2014-2022)
- President, Virginia Association of Economists (2013)
- Board Member, Virginia Association of Economists (2008-2012)
- Alice Kassens and Joshua Hall, Challenges in Classical Liberalism – Debating the Policies of Today Versus Tomorrow (2023). Switzerland: Springer Nature.
- Alice Kassens, Intemperate Spirits: Economic Adaptation during Prohibition (2019). Switzerland: Springer Nature.
- “More Cowbell: Using Inside Economics to Promote Data Literacy and Camaraderie,” Journal of Economics Teaching, 2024.
- “Teaching Econometrics Online,” in Teaching Economics Online (2024), edited by Abdullah Al-Hahrani and Parama Chaudhury.
- “Social Trust in the Commonwealth of Virginia: The Impact of COVID-19,” 2023, Virginia Economic Journal.
- “Determinants of Intimate Partner Violence in Nepal” in Research Handbook on Poverty and Inequality (2023), edited by Udaya R. Wagle, pp. 283-304.
- “Teaching Tools: Student Perception of Economics Videos,” Journal of Economics Teaching, 2022, Volume 7, Issue 2 (with Michael Enz).
- “Theory vs. Practice: Teaching Undergraduate Econometrics,” Journal of Economic Education, 2019, Volume 50, Issue 3.
- The clever fake rabbis who made millions off of Prohibition. [Op-Ed]. (2019, August 27) The Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
- “Chasing Economic Knowledge: Using an Economics Based Scavenger Hunts to Create Comradery,” Journal of Economics and Economic Education Review, 2018, Volume 19, Issue 4 (with Dr. Michael Enz, Roanoke College)
- “Women’s Asset Ownership and Children’s Nutritional Status: Evidence from Papua New Guinea,” Journal of Social Science and Medicine, 2018, Volume 204, Issue C, pg. 100-107 (with Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Rutgers University).
- “Gangsters, Scoundrels, and Thieves: Teaching Economics Using Nefarious Historical Characters,” Journal of Economic and Finance Education, 2016, Volume 15, Number 3, pg. 6-9.
- “Using Twitter to Improve Student Writing,” Journal of Economic and Finance Education, 2016, Volume 15, Issue 2, pg. 72-77.
- “Tweeting your way to improved #writing, #reflection, and #community,” Journal of Economic Education, 2014, Volume 45, Issue 2, pg. 101-109.
- “Do as I say and as I do: An Adaptation of McElroy’s Mentor Demonstration Model,” Perspectives in Undergraduate Research and Mentoring, 2012, 2.1 (with undergraduate students Sara Caudle, Tyler Rinko, and Justin Tuma).
- “The Wilford Brimley Effect: Diet and Exercise Take on Medicare, Moral Hazard, and the Oatmeal Guy In the Fight Against Type II Diabetes,” Virginia Economic Journal, 2008, Volume 13, 17-31.
- “Predicting Gen Y’s Performance in Principles of Economics Courses,” (with Dr. Garry Fleming) Virginia Economic Journal, 2007, Volume 12, pg. 1-22
Available as a Media resource for the following topics
- labor markets
- consumer sentiment
- inflation
- health and health care economics
- unemployment
- discrimination
- mental health and the labor market
Willing to speak to professional, social or civic groups on
- labor markets
- consumer sentiment
- health and health care economics
- inflation
- discrimination
- unemployment
- mental health and labor markets
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Institute for Economic Equity Publications
- Disconnected Young Adults: A Look at the Eighth Federal Reserve District (October 24, 2024), The State of Economic Equity, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with William M. Rodgers III and Nicole Summers-Gabr).
- Not Working, Out-of-School Young Adults in the U.S. by Race and Geography (August 15, 2024), On the Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with William M. Rodgers III, Nishesh Chalise, and Nicole Summers-Gabr).
- Gen Z’s Mental Health, Economic Distress, and Technology (May 22, 2024), Open Vault, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with Nicole M. Summers-Gabr and Violetta A. Gutkowski).
- The State of Economic Equity: Challenges and Opportunities for Advancing Economic Security amount U.S. Young Adults (March 26, 2024), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with Nishesh Chalise, Violetta Gutkowski, Ana Hernandez Kent, Lowell R. Ricketts, William M. Rodgers III, and Nicole Summers-Gabr).
- Despite a Tight Labor Market, Job Opportunities Lag for Eighth District Out-of-School Youths (November 17, 2023) Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with William M. Rodgers III and Nishesh Chalise).
- Labor Market Outcomes for Black Men: How Good is the News? (June 11, 2023) Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with William M. Rodgers III.)
- Mental Health During the Pandemic. (May 9, 2023) Economic Equity Insights, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with William M. Rodgers III.)
- The Beveridge Curve and Structural Barriers in the Labor Market. (October 20, 2022) On the Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with William M. Rodgers III.)
- What is the Key to Improving Worker Resiliency in the Labor Market? (August 30, 2022) On the Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with William M. Rodgers III.)
- What Does the Beveridge Curve Tell Us about the Labor Market Recovery? (July 14, 2022) On the Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with William M. Rodgers III.)
Working Papers
- “Mental Health During the Pandemic” with William M. Rodgers III and the Institute for Economic Equity, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (latest draft: May 2023).