Dr. Srikanth Mallavarapu
Associate Professor

021 Miller Hall
- Ph.D. in English, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2003
Research & Teaching Interests
- Negotiation of modernity in postcolonial context
- Contemporary South Asian literature and film
- Critical theories of literature, science, technology and culture
- Review of Subject Lessons: The Western Education of Colonial India. Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 70, Issue 03, August 2011, pp. 887-888.
- Review of Creative Pasts: Historical Memory and Identity in Western India, 1700—1960. Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 69, Issue 4, November 2010, pp. 1274-1276.
- Review of Limiting Secularism: The Ethics of Coexistence in Indian Literature and Film. Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 67, Issue 3, August 2008, pp. 1110-1111.
- “Facts, Fetishes, and the Parliament of Things: Is There Any Space Left For Critique?” (with Amit Prasad), Social Epistemology Vol. 20.2, April-June 2006, pp. 185-199.
- “Disputed Bodies.” Review of Contested Bodies, Human Studies 28.1, 2005, pp. 107-112.
- “1000 Years of War: Interview with Manuel De Landa” (with Ihde et al) in A. Kroker and M. Kroker, ed., Life in the Wires: The CTheory Reader ( CTheory Press 2004), pp. 135-154. Originally published in CTheory, May 2003.
- “Interview with Don Ihde” (with Selinger et al) in D. Ihde and E. Selinger, ed., Chasing Techno-Science: Matrix for Materiality (Indiana University Press 2003), pp.117-130.