Dr. Nadia Martinez-Carrillo
Associate Professor
118 Miller Hall
- Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University (Mass Communications)
- M.A., Universidad de las Américas Puebla
- B.A., Universidad de las Américas Puebla
- [Book Chapters] Cabas-Mijares, A., Martínez-Carrillo, N. I., & Mislán, C. (2019). "Berta no murió, se multiplicó": Radical media, neoliberal violence, and Indigenous resistance in Honduras. In A. Farné & A. Iranzo (Eds.), Communication for social change: Proposals for action (pp. 65–85). Valencia, Spain: Tirant lo Blanch Editorial. ISBN13:9788417706104. https://www.tirant.com/editorial/libro/comunicacion-para-el-cambio-social-propuestas-para-la-accion-9788417706104
- [Book Chapters] Martínez-Carrillo, N. I. (2019). "Counterspaces" and Mentorship as Resources for Immigrant Faculty of Color Facing Racial Battle Fatigue. In N.D. Hartlep & D. Ball (Eds.), Racial battle fatigue in faculty: Perspectives and lessons from higher education (pp. X–X). New York: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Racial-Battle-Fatigue-in-Faculty-Perspectives-and-Lessons-from-Higher/Hartlep-Ball/p/book/9780367149383
- DeCarvalho, L., & Martínez-Carrillo, N. I. (2023). A view from the top (dog): Intersections of incarceration, motherhood, and trauma on Foxtel's Wentworth. Television and New Media. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15274764231173886
- DeCarvalho, L., & Martínez-Carrillo, N. I. (2021). Crims and crooks: Automatization, communicative capitalism, fandom, and promotion for Wentworth. Critical Studies in Media Communication. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15295036.2021.1893775
- Martínez-Carrillo, N. I. & Tamul, D. J. (2019). (Re)constructing professional journalistic practice in Mexico: Verificado's marketing of legitimacy, collaboration, and pop culture in fact-checking the 2018 elections. International Journal of Communication, 13, 2596-2619. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/10933
- DeCarvalho, L., & Martínez-Carrillo, N. I. (2018). Serving (fetishized) time: An intersectional analysis of Netflix’s food trucks in Mexico and in the United States. The Journal of Popular Culture: Special Issue on Neoliberalism and Popular Culture, 51 (2), 487-510. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jpcu.12670">doi: 10.1111/jpcu.12670
- Tamul, D. J. & Martinez-Carrillo, N. I. (2018). Ample sample?: An examination of sampling frame sizes generated from keyword searches on immigration from LexisNexis. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 95 (1), 96-121. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1077699016681466
- Whiteside, E., Hardin, M., DeCarvalho, L., Martinez-Carrillo, N. I., & Nutter-Smith, A. (2013). "I am not a cow": Challenging narratives of empowerment in teen girls sports fiction. Sociology of Sport Journal 30 (4), 415-434. https://journals.humankinetics.com/doi/10.1123/ssj.30.4.415
About Dr. Martinez-Carillo
- Dr. Martínez-Carrillo's research focuses on global media studies and mediated representations of identity in popular media and across cultures. She explores the cultural and political implications of these representations and seeks to identify effective ways to resist narratives and media dynamics that perpetuate social inequality and the stigmatization of social groups.
- Spring 2024 courses: COMM 250 Communication Theory. COMM 360 Studies in Intercultural Communication. COMM 411 Senior Seminar (capstone). Fall 2024: Dr. Martínez-Carrillo is on sabbatical during Fall 2024.
- Past courses: COMM 101 Introduction to Communication. COMM 220 Public Speaking. COMM 250 Communication Theory. COMM 317 Professional Communication. COMM 330 Small Groups Communication. COMM 350 Research Methods. CCOMM 354 Rhetorical Theory and Criticism. COMM 360 Studies in Intercultural Communication. COMM 406 Independent Study. COMM 411 Senior Seminar. COMM 496 Independent Study (Honors in The Major). INQ 110 Race and Media. INQ 120 Ethics in Communication. INQ 277 Identity Quest in D.C.