Dr. Teresa Milbrodt
Assistant Professor

221 Miller Hall
- PhD in English (emphases in Creative Writing and Disability Studies), University of Missouri
- MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction), Bowling Green State University
- MA in American Culture Studies, Bowling Green State University
Research & Teaching Interests
- I write speculative and realistic fiction and creative nonfiction.
- My scholarly interests include disability humor, disability and sexuality, and creative practice in disability communities.
- Literary Book Publications Instances of Head-Switching. Shade Mountain Press, 2020.
- Work Opportunities: Stories. Portage Press, 2018.
- Larissa Takes Flight: Stories. Booth Books, 2014.
- The Patron Saint of Unattractive People. Boxfire Press, 2013.
- Bearded Women: Stories. ChiZine Publications. 2011.
- Critical Book Publications Sexy Like Us: Disability, Humor, and Sexuality. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- “Cyclops Notes” and “You May Mistake This for A Love Story.” In Between Spaces: An Anthology of Disabled Writers, edited by Rebecca Burke, Stillhouse Press, 2022, pp. 97-103, 211-227.
- “Honoratus” and “Matchmaker.” The MacGuffin, vol. 38, no.1, 2022, pp. 56-7.
- “Weighing Hearts.” Gargoyle, issue 75, 2022, pp. 356-9.
- “The Interpreter.” NonBinary Review, issue 28, 2022, pp. 23-7.
- “An Open Letter to Bakers.” Orion’s Belt, 2022, https://www.orions-belt.net/archives/an-open-letter-to-bakers.
- “Tea and Owls.” Apparition Lit, issue 17, 2022, https://apparitionlit.com/tea-and-owls/.
- “The Queen.” Flash Point Science Fiction, 11 Mar. 2022, https://flashpointsf.com/2022/03/11/the-queen/.
- “Dragons.” Strange Horizons, 15 Nov. 2021, http://strangehorizons.com/fiction/dragons/.
- “Empathy.” Andromeda Spaceways, vol. 17, no. 3, 2021, pp. 31-9.
Available as a Media resource for the following topics
- Disability humor and sexuality
- Creative writing
- Speculative fiction
- Crip lit (literature by people with disabilities)
Willing to speak to professional, social or civic groups on
- Disability humor and sexuality
- Creative writing
- Speculative fiction
- Crip lit (literature by people with disabilities)