Dr. Marilee Ramesh
Professor, Chairperson

- Ph.D. in Biology, Indiana University
- B.S. in Biology, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Research & Teaching Interests
- Genetics
- Genomics
- Bioinformatics
- Biology of Food
- Writing Pedagogy
- M.A. Ramesh (2018). The Game of Parasitism: A New Approach to Presenting Life Cycles. Article 52. In McMahon, K. editor. Tested studies for laboratory teaching. Volume 39. Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). http://www.ableweb.org/volumes/vol-39/?art=52
- M. Ramesh (2016). Inoculating curiosity in fungal biology for a new generation of students. Fungal Biology Reviews. 30:15-23.
- M. Ramesh (2013). Exploring the Genetic Basis for Behavior. In Bean Beetles: A Model Organism for Inquiry-based Undergraduate Laboratories (L. Blumer and C. Beck, Editors) [Internet] c2013 Available from: http://www.beanbeetles.org/protocols/genetics_behavior/synopsis.html
- M. Ramesh (2013). Why Teach Writing When We Are Trying to Teach Science? In Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, (K. McMahon, Editor). Proceedings of the 34th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education. Proceedings of the 34nd Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education. 34:372-279.
- M. Ramesh, R. Collins, C. Lassiter, D.B. Poli and M. Poore (2011). There’s an App for That: Utilizing iPod Touch Applications for College Level Biology Instruction. In Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, (K. McMahon, Editor). Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education. 32:389-390.
- J.E. Stajich, S.K. Wilke, D. Ahrén, T.C.H Au, B.W. Birren, M. Borodovsky, C. Burns, B. Canback, L.A. Casselton, B.C.K. Cheng, J. Deng, F.S. Dietrich, D.C. Fargo, M. Farman, A.C. Gathman, J. Goldberg, R. Guigo, P. Hoegger, J.B. Hooker, A. Huggins, T.Y. James, T. Kamad, S. Kilaru, C. Kodira, U. Kues, H. Kawn, W. Li, W.W. Lilly, L. Ma, A.J. Mackey, G. Manning, F. Martin, H. Muraguchi, H. Palmerini, M.A. Ramesh, C. Rehymeyer, N. Shenoy, M. Stanke, A. Tunlid, R. Velagapudi, T.J. Vision, Q. Zeng, M.E. Zolan, and P.J. Pukkila (2010). Genome evolution in mushrooms: the complete sequence of the mushroom Coprinopsis cinera (Coprinus cinereus). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107(26): 11889-11894.
- M.A. Ramesh and Nicole Randall (2008). Demonstrating the concepts of mutagenesis and genetic screening using the fungal system Coprinus cinereus. In Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, (editor Kari L. Clase), Proceedings of the 29th Workshop/Conference of the Association of Biology Laboratory Education, 29:410-416.
- S-B. Malik, M. A. Ramesh, A. M. Hulstrand & J. M. Logsdon, Jr. (2007). Protist homologs of themeiotic Spo11 and topoisomerase VI reveal an evolutionary history of gene duplication and lineage-specific loss. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 24(12): 2827-2841.
- M. A. Ramesh, S-B. Malik and J. M. Logsdon, Jr. (2005)/ A phylogenomic inventory of meiotic genes: evidence for sex in Giardia and an early eukaryotic origin of meiosis. Current Biology. 15(2):185-191.