Dr. Robert Willingham
Associate Professor, Chairperson

- B.A., Fort Lewis College
- M.A., Purdue University
- Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Research & Teaching Interests
- Modern Europe
- The Holocaust
- World History
- The Middle East
- Jews in Leipzig, Germany Under Nazism, Communism and Democracy: Politics and Identity in the 20th Century, Edwin Mellen Press, 2011
- Conference Paper, "Ludwig Goldwasser and the Leipzigers in Israel", at the International Holocaust Studies Conference, October, 2014
- Conference Paper: "Germans in Israel", at the German Studies Association, September, 2011
- "The Holocaust", in ABC-CLIO Encyclopedia of World History, 2010
- Conference Paper: "Introducing a Senior Seminar in World History" at the World History Association, June, 2009
- Conference Paper: "We Believe that now you know: the Struggle for Jewish Religious Space in the German Democratic Republic" at the German Studies Association, 2007
- "A Phoenix in Saxony", in Leipziger Beitraege zur Juedische Geschichte und Kultur, 2005
Available as a Media resource for the following topics
- Germany; Russia; European politics and history
Willing to speak to professional, social or civic groups on
- The Holocaust; The Middle East; Russian and German history and politics
- Chair, History Department