Toy Like Me
Toy Like Me at Roanoke College is a coalition of students, student groups, faculty and staff working to modify toys to reflect disabilities and medical issues of children. Our efforts include a great deal of fundraising so that we can purchase and modify as many toys as possible. Toy Like Me at Roanoke College is happy to receive tax-deductible donations through the Roanoke College Business Office.
Toy Modifications
Our hard-working volunteers have learned to modify toys to reflect a wide range of needs. Please note we don't feature photographs of children on our page. We are devoted to the children and families we serve, and can only keep our relationships with our partners at hospitals, clinics and schools if we respect their privacy.

Campus partnership creates toys offering representation, inclusion
Toy Like Me at Roanoke College started out with an idea and a flurry of donations that funded toys for one local school. Since then, it's steadily grown and donated toys to families in 19 states and two other countries. Read more.
McCutcheon honored by statewide disability advocacy group
The founder of Toy Like Me at Roanoke College was presented with an Impact Award from the disAbility Law Center of Virginia for her work and her commitment to disability awareness and advocacy. Read more.
Students create toys for children with disabilities in new holiday program
The project bloomed from a class that was led by Frances Bosch and designed to give students insight into the worlds of children who have disabilities. Read more.