Are you still thinking about what you might major in? Do you have a number of interests, but no life-defining passion yet? Do you want to keep your options open, and use your first year or two at college as a time to explore and find what you really love? If this sounds like you, you'll be in good company at Roanoke. You might be surprised to learn this, but "undecided" is our most popular major.
If you're still searching, Roanoke is a great place to be. You'll find a wealth of opportunities to explore interesting classes, engaging professors, friends from around the world and a wide range of activities on and off campus. Roanoke will open your mind to new ideas and new possibilities. Our professors, staff and coaches will help you find a passion and prepare you to go out into the world and live what you love.
To us, "still searching" is a great thing. We welcome the challenge to help you find something that will excite you.

"One of the most satisfying aspects of my job is working with students who are undecided about a major. With freshman, I first work to reassure them that it is fine to not know; they are not even aware of all the options they have. As a college, we really excel at helping students who are searching to find the right path."
Professor Chris Lee, Mathematics

Skills inventory
During orientation, you'll work with your advisor to conduct a skills inventory. You'll take a set of short tests that will help you identify what you're interested in, what you like to do, and what you're good at. These will help you consider the kinds of careers that are well-suited for you and that you'd find most satisfying, and from these, the kinds of majors and concentrations that could set you on the right path.
Core curriculum exploratory
Our core curriculum exposes you to fundamental concepts through interesting, contemporary topics — a refreshing change from most high school classes. Many Roanoke students find that these classes open their minds to new areas of interest, interests that can become life-long passions.
A wide range of activities
Classrooms aren't always the source of inspiration. Many Roanoke students find their passion through extra-curricular activities. Outdoor adventure experiences can spark an interest in the environment and a major in environmental studies. Service work with inner-city kids can lead to an interest in teaching or counseling and majors in education, psychology or sociology.
Real-world learning
Internships, study away and service work can all help you find a career you'll love. Many of our students find that putting academic knowledge to practice through internships gives them a better idea of what they really want to do. Exposure to other peoples and cultures through travel and study away can lead to careers overseas.
Mentoring culture
Our faculty and staff are great at spotting talent, talents that you may not see in yourself yet. They'll help you explore ways to connect those talents to interests to help you identify a career path that you will love and in which you can find success.
"My internship with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources helped me try on the profession of a public historian. Without the opportunity, I would not have been able to truly feel comfortable in making this my career choice."
Zachary Hottel '12