Fowler Legacy Program
The Fowler Legacy Program was established in 2002. Its purpose is to provide financial support to encourage students to study public issues off campus, whether domestically or abroad. It also helps courses, students, and student organizations gain access to speakers on public issues or to travel to venues where public policy is being discussed.
Annually, the program has helped 30-40 students study abroad, 5-10 who participated in the Washington Semester Program, and provided occasional support to students working on off-campus research projects that required travel and expenses. A broad array of classroom and organizational speakers has been brought to campus to discuss public issues with members of the campus community. Activities sponsored by The Public Affairs Society. The program has provided student travel expenses to conferences dealing with public issues. So the purposes of this program are broad and students, organizations, and professors are welcome to suggest possible uses.
Key to all of these activities, however, is the requirement that it must deal with public issues in a central manner.
A student from any major, any department or student organization may apply for support, but the activity must focus on contemporary public policy or public affairs.
Students must be in good academic standing and grade point averages are taken into consideration in making awards.
A student's documented need for financial support is a very strong element in making awards.
Students interested in foreign study should consult first with Ms. Carmen Boggs-Parker, Assistant Director of International Education (ext. 2068).
Students interested in our Washington Semester Program should consult first with Dr. Todd Peppers, Washington Semester Coordinator (ext. 2417).
To apply, please fill out an electronic application.
Ideas for speakers, teaching materials, short-term research expenses or field trips simply may be sent directly to:
Dr. David Taylor
(540) 375-4933
115 Administration Building
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