"Physicians diagnose and treat human diseases and injuries and practice preventative medicine. Some also conduct research and/or teach in medical schools.
"Osteopathic medicine is the philosophy and system of alternative medical practice emphasizing the interrelationship between studture and function of the body and recognizing its ability to heal itself using the practitioner to facilitate that process. Allopathic medicne is the practice of conventioanl medicine that uses pharmacologically active agents or physical interventions to treat or syppress symptoms of pathophysiologic processes of diseases or conditions."
Degree Required: Doctoral or professional degree
Median Pay (2023): $239,200
Job Outlook 2022-2032: 3% increase (as fast as average)
Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University (MD)
Virginia Commonwealth University (MD)