Annual Events & Celebrations
Dr. Charmaine A. Nelson will present the annual Emancipation Week lecture sponsored by the Center for Studying Structures of Race.
- Date:
- April 2, 2025
- Time:
- 7 - 8 p.m.
- Location:
Wortmann Ballroom
Join Roanoke College as we honor the lives and legacies of enslaved individuals connected to our history with the dedication of a new memorial by Richmond-based artist Sandy Williams IV.
- Date:
- April 4, 2025
- Time:
- 4:30 - 6 p.m.
- Location:
Front Quad
Annual Events, Heritage Months, World Holidays
Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15-October 15
Throughout this month long celebration, the Hispanic Organization for Leadership and Achievement (HOLA) and OMA collaborate in providing lectures, panel discussions, film screenings, and other events. HOLA and OMA work with other offices on campus and local businesses to showcase the diversity of Latin America and the Caribbean.
LGBTQ+ History Month
Lambda Alliance and OMA work together to provide campus wide events throughout October to educate and inform the campus community of LGBTQ+ history and contributions.
Unity Week Celebration
Mid-Fall Semester
Join OMA as they celebrate unity through diversity. During the Fall, OMA dedicates one whole week to celebrate diverse ways of thinking and existing. Previous events have been discussion panels, performances, and food tasting.
World AIDS Day
December 1
OMA and Black Student Alliance dedicate this day to bring awareness of the AIDS pandemic and remember the lives lost to this disease.
Holidays Around the World
OMA and student organizations team up to share different traditions and holidays from around the world. This event is an educational experience for students to learn about diverse cultures and religions.
Late Fall
Hillel and OMA work together to celebrate this Jewish holiday.
Pre-Kwanzaa Celebration
Black Student Alliance invited students, faculty and staff for a Kwanzaa dinner. BSA leads an interactive experience that educates participants on the importance of this holiday.
Martin Luther King JR. Celebration
OMA, Black Student Alliance, the Chaplain's Office, and Interfaith Council collaborate with the local community to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Join OMA for our MLK Jr. Prayer Breakfast!
Black History Month
OMA collaborates with student organizations, such as Black Student Alliance, for this month long celebration. Films, panel discussions, and lectures are held throughout the month.
Chinese New Year Celebration
Early Spring Semester
OMA collaborates with Asian Students United and the East Asian Studies Concentration to create one of the largest on campus events. The Chinese New Year Celebration allows for students, faculty, and families to learn more about East Asian cultures and history.
Women's History Month
In collaboration with other Roanoke College departments, OMA holds film screenings, panel discussions, and lectures throughout the month.
Passover Seder
Hillel and OMA work together to showcase this Passover ritual to students.
Ramadan Dinner
During the spring, OMA hosts a dinner for this holy month. Students and staff are able to learn more about Ramadan.
Drag Show
OMA and Lambda Alliance host a drag show, inviting students, faculty, staff, and the local community to celebrate their pride.
Heritage Ball
Alumni Weekend
During Alumni Weekend, alums, students, faculty and staff attend the bi-annual dance. This reunion is about staying in contact and connected with the alumni networking community.
Kenneth R. Garren Awards
Thanks to Dr. Kenneth R. Garren, the annual awards were established in 2000 in recognizing students, faculty and staff for their exemplary dedication and interest in diversity. Dr. Garren was a leader who believed in promoting multiculturalism on Roanoke campus. In April of 2008 and April of 2009, he was our speaker to the Garren Awards Dinner, which demonstrates his true commitment to OMA.
Students nominate and acknowledge individuals who have excelled in promoting diversity and multiculturalism on campus and the community. There are various awards:
- Outstanding Freshmen & Upperclassmen
- Outstanding Student Organization
- Outstanding Faculty & Staff
- Outstanding Department
- Prominent Leader
View the application for nominations.
Sash Ceremony
Graduating senior class celebration to recognize their achievements and receive their ethnic sashes to wear during Commencement.