Shades of Maroon
About the Program
Shades of Maroon (also known as “Shades”) is the leadership council for core student belonging-focused organizations on Roanoke College’s campus. Shades is currently comprised of five core groups: Asian Students United (ASU), Black Student Alliance (BSA), Hispanic Organization for Leadership and Achievement (H.O.L.A.), Lambda Alliance (LGBTQ+ Student Organization), and Tangles. Shades collaborates with other multicultural-focused student organizations on campus to promote ongoing collaboration and support.
Shades defines a diverse and inclusive group as a student organization that strives to affirm diversity and inclusion of the campus community in its many forms by embracing a broad definition of culture to include, but not limited to, world views formed by race, ethnicity, gender identity, national origin, abilities, sexual identity, and religion.
These clubs are open to any Roanoke College student.
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Asian Students United
Asian Students United (ASU) was created to provide both Asians and non-Asians a place to gather, meet and educate one another on the topics of diversity, culture and heritage. We serve in voicing the opinions of the Asian student body and provide support for all students of the Roanoke College community.
Stella Xu
Advisor, Asian Students United
Professor, History
Black Student Alliance
The Black Student Alliance (BSA) promotes unity and diversity, uplifts and supports culture, and provides support for Black students. We help students with adjustments they may face in a college environment. We represent and protect the interests of Black students on campus as well as the surrounding community. We hope to increase awareness of Black student contributions, issues and ideas.
Elizabeth McClenney
Advisor, Black Student Alliance
Director of the Library
Hispanic Organization for Leadership & Achievement
Hispanic Organization for Leadership & Achievement (H.O.L.A.) promotes appreciation and understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures and promotes leadership and achievement among Hispanic students at Roanoke College.
Jose Banuelos Montes
Co-Advisor, HOLA
Associate Professor, Modern Languages
Dolores Flores-Silva
Co-Advisor, HOLA
Professor, Modern Languages
RC Pride
RC Pride is an organization that encourages the acceptance of sexual and gender diversity, offers a safe environment to discuss issues involving gender and sexuality, and educates people about different sexual orientations and gender identities. We work hard to alleviate fears and prejudices about the LGBTQIA+ community.
Daniel Smith
Advisor, RC Pride
Director of Campus Recreation
Tangles is a student organization working to inform individuals of the versatility of natural hair. They encourage individuals to embrace their natural beauty by providing a community with resources that are needed to maintain a healthy personal hair style.
Visit us on ClubHub.
Other Culture-Based Student Organizations
The Tau Omega Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority is comprised of women from the campuses of Roanoke College and Washington and Lee University. We are highly motivated Black women dedicated to serving our schools, our community and the nation at large. Over the past 10 years, we've been involved in a host of projects and events concerning local and national activities, issues and concerns.
Hillel provides a place for all students to understand the many different cultures and aspects of Judaism. We hold open celebrations, discussions and weekly meetings, and provide access to local synagogues, Beth Israel and Temple Emmanuel.
The Roanoke College International Club emphasizes awareness of cultures throughout the world. We provide a forum for international students, American students and faculty to come together. The international club sponsors the annual International Festival as well as weekend field trips to Washington, D.C. and Charleston, S. C., and day trips to local destinations, such as Monticello and the University of Virginia.