Roanoke College will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 11.
Research Experience (PSYC 106) provides the student with an opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of how to conduct empirical research under the direction of a faculty member. Typically, the student becomes involved in an on-going research project, often working with a more experienced peer. Student work is more directed (i.e., less independent) than an Independent Study or Research Practicum. The primary difference between Research Experience and Research Practicum or Independent Study is that Research Experience is only 1/4 credits (P/F), while both Research Practicum and Independent Study are 1 full credit (A/F).
Research Experience is strongly recommended for students who wish to learn more about research in psychology and who may wish to participate in a Research Practicum or Independent Study in the future. Students do not need to be a Psychology major to sign up for Research Experience.
To participate in Research Experience, the student should talk to a faculty member whose research interests are compatible with his or her own (see Department website for faculty research interests). After finding a research mentor, students must complete the Application for Research in the Department by the first Wednesday of the semester. If approved by the Department, the Department Chair will contact the registrar's office and register you for the course.