Roanoke College will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 11.
Physical Location: 201 High Street
Class: Upperclassmen
Room Types: Doubles and singles
Bathrooms: One shared bathroom on each floor
Laundry: Laundry room in the basemen
Gender: Basement and 1st floor are co-ed; 2nd and 3rd floors are single gender
Meal plan information
See building floorplans here
Affinity Houses:
Multicultural (ground and 1st)
Global Village (2nd and 3rd)
Information about Rooms in Chalmers Hall
Room dimensions: room sizes vary
Window dimensions (quantity): window sizes vary (1)
Electrical outlets: 3-5.
The rooms in Chalmers Hall are not carpeted.
Chalmers Hall History:
Originally part of the Methodist Church property purchased by the College in 1950, this was a Sunday school building named by the church for James Chalmers who was not only a strong Methodist leader, but also treasurer of the Roanoke College Board of Trustees from 1882 to 1899. The main level was extensively renovated in the summer of 1998 and the ground level in the summer of 2001 to provide additional living spaces for upper-class residents.
Additional Information about Chalmers Hall
Chalmers is part of the South Side neighborhood on campus. Chalmers houses two of our Intentional Living Communities: Global Village and Multicultural Living Community. The Global Village houses international students and U.S. students who are interested in other countries and cultures. This community is advised by Sarah Lupton. The Multicultural Living Community is the only community of its kind on campus where a diverse community is intentionally created so residents may live and learn in a multicultural environment. Alyasa Jones is the advisor.