Physical address: 350 North Market Street
Class: Upperclassmen
Room types: All singles. Typical room size is 9' x 12'
Bathrooms: hall bathrooms for each gender on each floor
Laundry: free laundry is available on each floor
Additional Information about Ritter Hall
Completed in August 2005, Ritter Hall forms a residence "complex" along with Caldwell and Beamer Halls. Ritter houses upperclass men and women. The building is named for Rev. Guy "Tex" Ritter, retired associate professor of religion and philosophy, at the request of Roanoke College Board of Trustee member Nancy Baird Mulheren '72. Ms. Mulheren pledged $2.5 million for the new residence hall in tribute to her late husband, John Mulheren '71, who died in 2004. "Tex Ritter is a symbol of spirit and generosity," Mulheren said. "He always has a great story to tell and he is anxious to share a lesson in life. Plus, he mentored John in 'pranksterology!' It was Tex who allowed the historic obelisk to be built in secret in his garage."