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Showing 21-30 of 34 news stories.
Roanoke College Summer Academy for High School Students
June 12, 2018
The Roanoke College Summer Academy (RCSA) is a four-week program (July 2 - 28) for college credit. RCSA is for rising high school juniors and seniors interested in having an immersive college experience and being academically challenged while earning college credit.
April 18 - Our Day to Rise
April 12, 2018
Something BIG is happening on Wednesday, April 18th! The entire Roanoke College community is coming together for a 24-hour giving day.
A local retired professor will establish a new student scholarship at Roanoke College that places it among the most generous financial aid packages in the country.
New Martin Luther statue reflects Roanoke's heritage
November 01, 2016
A crowd gathered on Oct. 30, Reformation Sunday, for a ceremony to dedicate a bronze statue of Martin Luther, located at Luther Plaza in front of the Cregger Center.
Roanoke College dedicates new Cregger Center
October 28, 2016
"There were hundreds and hundreds of people who came together to make this dream happen," said Morris Cregger '64, about the new Morris M. Cregger Center.
Student Giving Council recognizes Heritage Walk supporters
October 22, 2015
A ceremony celebrated the alumni, parents, and friends who help sustain the College's daily operations.
Inside the Cregger Center construction
August 11, 2015
See what's happening at the Cregger Center site.
Cregger Center isn't the only construction project on campus. Five renovation projects, funded by multiple gifts from alumni, friends and foundations, get underway this summer.
At a retirement gathering, Mark Gobble '87, announced the establishment of the Dr. Larry A. Lynch Endowed Scholarship Fund.
At a retirement party, Arthur was surprised by several former shop assistants and alumni of Roanoke's theater program. He was especially surprised when they announced the formation of an endowed scholarship in his honor. He was presented with a "gold" drill, an alternative to the more traditional gold watch.