The Bachelor of Science degree with a major in actuarial science requires the completion of 13 units of actuarial science, business, economics, mathematics, and statistics courses as seen below (current as of fall 2019, for previous versions, please see the appropriate academic catalog):
- Mathematics and Statistics Courses
- MATH 122 Calculus II
- STAT 220 Statistical Methods II
- STAT 301 Mathematical Statistics
- Actuarial Science Courses
- ACSI 201 Fundamental Techniques in Accounting and Risk Management
- ACSI 301 Theory of Interest
- Business Administration and Economics Courses
- BUAD 242 Investments
- BUAD 342 Corporate Finance
- ECON 121 Principles of Microeconomics
- ECON 321 Intermediate Microeconomics
- ECON 348 Econometrics
- Elective Courses (choose two of the following)
- BUAD 352 Fixed Income and Derivative Securities
- BUAD 442 Finance Capstone
- ECON 227 Health Economics
- ECON 232 Money and Banking
- SOCI 223 Ethics and Medicine
- STAT 304 Applied Regression Analysis
- ACSI 406 Independent Study (alt. ACSI 405 and 407)
- ACSI 416 Internship
- ACSI 496 Honors in Major (alt. ACSI 495 and 497)
Note that students interested in pursuing health-related careers should take ECON 227 and SOCI 223 as their electives, students interested in pursuing more finance-related careers should take BUAD 442 and ECON 232 as their electives, and students interested in statistics-related careers should take STAT 304 as an electives.
The Society of Actuaries (SOA) offers a series of credentialing exams; students should talk to their advisors about taking these exams. Courses MATH 321, STAT 210/220, and STAT 301 prepare students for SOA EXAM P and courses ACSI 201 and ACSI 301 prepare students for SOA EXAM FM.