Frequently Asked Questions
When will my RC Name show up in the campus directory or my class rosters?
How do I change or correct my legal name at Roanoke College?
Does changing my RC Name automatically update my Roanoke College username and email address?
I’m not ready to declare an RC Name, but I’d like for my professors to know. What should I do?
- What is the difference between sex and gender?
3. How do I submit an RC Name?
Current students and employees can view and submit an RC Name onlne.
4. Can I use my RC Name for everything at Roanoke College?
Roanoke College will strive to use your RC Name where possible, but your legal name will continue to be used in business and other processes that require use of a legal name. Examples of where your legal name is necessary include but are not limited to the following:
- Financial Aid documents
- Payroll
- Billing records
- Medical records
- Federal Immigration documents
- Non-Resident Visas and supporting documentation
- Tax forms (i.e. W2, 1095C, 1099s)
- Checks and direct deposit files issued by Accounts Payable
- Student loan documents
5. Where will my RC Name appear?
Your RC Name will appear in the directory, StarRez, Office 365, Inquiry, Self Service, among others. We strive to have your RC Name appear wherever legal name is not required. A list of systems that use RC Name is provided above. Other systems will be added and the list updated as we move through the other phases of this project.
University correspondence, including physical mail, e-mail, phone calls, and texts, may use RC Name or legal names depending on the purpose of the communication. Even though some processes require the use of the legal name, it is the intent that all offices use the RC Name as much as possible in general communications. However, form letters and mass-mailings from administrators will likely automatically use legal names. Correspondence to employees from third party vendors, such as health insurance or retirement savings vendors, will use legal names
6. Will my RC Name show up in the campus directory or my class rosters?
It will show in class rosters. The form developed for providing an RC Name will show how your directory listing looks in real time before you submit. At this time, your legal middle initial will populate in the middle name field. For some individuals, the middle initial is the only way to discern that we are contacting the correct person based on a name alone. We will consider options to make middle name customizable as part of the RC Name in future phases.
8. Can I change my RC Name to whatever I want?
The purpose of the RC Name is to foster a campus environment that is inclusive and that encourages self-expression. We believe the members of our community will choose RC Names after careful consideration, and with good intentions. However, we reserve the right to remove inappropriate RC Names with or without notice. Names that are not possible to implement (names with symbols or images) are prohibited, as are changes to avoid legal obligations or for illegal purposes. Names should not include offensive or derogatory language.
9. How do I delete my RC Name?
Go back to the same form you used to provide an RC Name and change it back to your legal name. Keep in mind frequent changing of a name may cause confusion with faculty and staff and a delay in the consistency of naming conventions on communications from the College.
10. How do I change or correct my legal name at Roanoke College?
You will need to provide appropriate documentation. If you are a current student, visit the Registrar’s website for information about changing your legal name.
If you are an employee, visit Human Resources with your new Social Security Card.
12. Will my RC Name appear on my Roanoke College ID card?
13. How does the RC Name policy affect F-1 & J-1 visa students?
RC Name is for use within the college community. International students may feel free to select an RC Name for on-campus use. However, this does not apply in situations where one’s legal name is required. For the purpose of F-1 or J-1 student visa status, the legal name is required on I-20s and DS-2019s. An individual’s legal name is what appears in the passport.
14. Why am I still getting communications with my dead name?
16. I have more questions about the RC Name or I’m not sure about giving my RC Name. Who do I contact?
Students should contact:
Faculty and staff should contact:
17. What is the difference between sex and gender?
In general terms, “sex” is assigned at birth and refers to biological markers such as genitalia and chromosomes. “Gender” is personal and continually evolving. Each dimension of gender is informed by our unique intersection of identities, experiences, and personal characteristics. One’s gender identity can be the same or different from their sex at birth.