Buildings: Crawford Hall, Bartlett Hall, Marion Hall, Smith Hall, and Chalmers
Vice President:
Eco Representative:
Service Coordinator:
Community Headquarters: Marion First Floor Lounge
Outside programming space: Crawford Lawn; Chalmers Lawn; Volleyball Court at Marion
Beach Week: Volleyball tournament
Luau: Mocktails, Food and Music, Tug Of War, Cornhole, and Kan Jam Competitions.
First Six Weeks: A program every week on South Side for the first six weeks of school, culminating with Neighborhood Council's debut event for the year on the sixth week.
Multicultural: Located in Chalmers Hall, ground and 1st floors, this area houses students who are seeking opportunities that living among a diverse population of students can provide. If you are interested in the Multicultural area, please contact Residence Life & Housing for further information.
Global Village: Located on the 2nd & 3rd floors of Chalmers Hall, the Global Village houses international students and U.S. students who are interested in other countries and cultures. Special programming, including international dinners, film and culture nights, holiday celebrations, and trips provide opportunities for residents to share their own cultures and learn about others. If you are interested in the Global Village, please contact Residence Life & Housing, for further information.
Greek: None
Academic Residential: None