Literary Studies
Available as a major or minor
The Literary Studies program trains you to read critically, respond incisively, and write with discernment about the complex worlds depicted in a variety of texts and genres. In addition to canonical works from the Anglo-American traditions, you'll be exposed to specific historical eras and geographical settings.
In addition to preparing you for graduate work in literary studies or for careers in education, the literary studies major will prepare you for work in fields where clear communication and sharp analytical skills are in high demand, such as business, law and publishing.

Curriculum & Courses
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Careers & Outcomes
The Literary Studies program trains you to read critically, respond incisively, and write with discernment about the complex worlds depicted in a variety of texts and genres.
In addition to canonical works from the Anglo-American traditions, you'll be exposed to specific historical eras and geographical settings. You'll explore familiar literary terrains such as Hawthorne's New England or Virginia Woolf's London, as well as unfamiliar worlds like Anita Desai's India or Ngugi wa Thiongo's Kenya.
In addition to preparing you for graduate work in literary studies or for careers in education, the literary studies major will prepare you for work in fields where clear communication and sharp analytical skills are in high demand, such as business, law and publishing.
We offer both a major or a minor in literary studies.